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Warden Question


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Could someone Please tell me how/where I can obtain the Ancestral Soul Badge and Aransu Mystic Badge or their starting badges ?

My Warden is speced Madness and iv noticed most Madness speced Wardens using these badges but when I whisper to them about it they are always AFK. If someone could Please inform me where/how to obtain these badges I will be really Grateful.

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For the Ancestral badge you need to fuse a Blue Moon and Courage badge.  You can buy these badges from the dragon express for solar energies or or buy the correct fragments off the marketplace.  You could also run TOI and exchange the currently dropped fragments but it's a pain.   You will also need 5 divine grace stones, 10 ts and 1 ptst.  For the Aransu badge you can either run VT and bid on the badge material box (frost burn orb), buy it from the marketplace or get it from the Merchant of Wonder (fairly rare).

Edited by Deadly Intent
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