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stop adding elysian crystals to every single upgrade


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4 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

Just because u can get an item from somewhere doesn't mean it's the most reliable  place to get that item.

If u are upgrading a piece of accs and u need 60 elysian crystals to buy jewel considering u don't have any then u need another 30 for breakthrough for a total of 90 is it possible to farm all that in 1 day ..let say u farm some chest it gonna need 3 times 90  chest to Come close to ur goal you completed daily grab the little ec u are sure of for the day u could spam all dungeon and end up with 300sc without knowing 

Completely possible. I farmed peaches for nearly a week styraight every day all the time because i needed materials and that got me to where i am today and even passed that. sure its "stale" and get repetitive after a while, but its still the most easy and fastest place to get large amounts of materials in an actually reasonable time. If someone trule wanted to upgrade and wanted the materials so bad like you descriobe they would farm them aswel.


3 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

Am not blind to these thing off they wanted to reduce cost they could change  the gold needed ......or ... as they did with mats .

They DID reduce costs. They cut down moonstone crystals and elusian crystals needed for upgrades by practically 50% and added sacred crystals and soulstone crystals to it. At release, TT accessories didnt need any soulstone crystals or sacred crystals but they needed double the amount of moonstone and elysian crystals.

Also thats why there is a clan discount bonus, premium discount when upgrading. that alone is worth it. Take example: with premium upgrading the heart to max in new update in gold cost alone = 1500g, with premium discount = 980g...thats 500g you already save on it.


3 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

Literally any low gear  gear person out there won't be able to upgrade accs worst if they have 2 characters as this game ec distribution within one day is lower than any mat.it's a strategy to get money and walk over f2p ppl 

How so? With the upcoming event you get jewels almost for free jsut by doing dailies and event dungeon without buying them from dragon express.



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