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Newbies/Alts Do Yourself a Favor and Get Raven 3


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1 hour ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

There was a video on YT about comparing Awakened SSM gloves to the King Gloves, maxed to stage 10. Both parses had the same clear time. (Force Master)


It's not about being wrong, but new players might wanna keep the most materials/money possible because they're going to hit a wall pretty fast at this rate if they start to upgrade items that doesn't really matter anymore nor grant a meaningful boost in their performance.

Gloves are also the item that gives the less power in terms of upgrading. People should upgrade other accessories before, Gloves being like the last item (before belt ofc).

I personally bought the king glove just to replace the hollow one, set it to at least stage 3 and then kept on upgrading the other stuff. Right now I'm missing ring because I don't want the cheap one from refuge. I want the one they have for a bunch of buds.

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Il y a 5 heures, Hanuku a dit :

I personally bought the king glove just to replace the hollow one, set it to at least stage 3 and then kept on upgrading the other stuff. Right now I'm missing ring because I don't want the cheap one from refuge. I want the one they have for a bunch of buds.

They are more or less "free" for 100 Hellion cores anyway, I'm not saying to not pick them but upgrading them is a waste of materials. The power you gain overall with those isn't worth all the jewels you'll spent.

You might say that then it's the case with every other accessories, problem being the increases and bonus of other accs are far better than what King gloves offers. 

As I said, the gloves are the last item that gives a meaningful power increase. Waiting for Skyreach gloves is a better option especially when the amount of jewels you'll use to max them will be more or less the same as with King gloves anyway.


To be fair if the jewels consumption would differs between high tier accs and "low" tier ones, that could change my judgement on those but seeing every accs usually takes the same amount of those to go through the stages, then yeah it's better off waiting for the best accs to upgrade instead of wasting time to upgrade accs that you'll drop in a matter of a month or two :v


One can argue about raid accs since unrefined Celestial acc -> Celestial acc s1 is a whooping 500g + 4 Premium TS + 500 moonstone - elysian crystals, which might make it more expensive or tedious than getting the jewels.

Edited by Lyn Thunderfox
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16 hours ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

There was a video on YT about comparing Awakened SSM gloves to the King Gloves, maxed to stage 10. Both parses had the same clear time. (Force Master)


It's not about being wrong, but new players might wanna keep the most materials/money possible because they're going to hit a wall pretty fast at this rate if they start to upgrade items that doesn't really matter anymore nor grant a meaningful boost in their performance.

Gloves are also the item that gives the less power in terms of upgrading. People should upgrade other accessories before, Gloves being like the last item (before belt ofc).

My friend did parse as I have as well and while the damage isn't that noticeable between the 2 gloves, King gloves is still a increase in damage, whether it is worth the money or not is still I feel up to the player. Players say to hold off on newer tiers but you also have to keep in mind without certain gear you will have a harder time doing that. Honestly gold nor materials is a true issue in this game unless of course you just refuse to farm. So I truly don't understand as to why not upgrade considering it might be awhile before they can get the newest gear in which case they would want to be at their very best for the time being or am I wrong about that? It is the same reason I went ahead and maxed out my soulshield including max stat primers for it just because it will take me quite awhile to get to the next one and so on.

Everything goes hand in hand. If you aren't going to rush through your gear especially accessories there isn't much point to not max them out since you will have ample time to restock gold and materials. Which is where most of your damage truly comes from. The weapon is only a small part of the cog and has been mentioned a lot in this thread which is why I don't bother to mention it. I still don't see any kind of wall you speak of. You can still make a good amount of gold a day, all dungeons offer material chests for your crystal needs, find one that can be ran quickly and farm it (starstone mines springs to mind, sandstorm temple as well).

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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Il y a 2 heures, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

So I truly don't understand as to why not upgrade considering it might be awhile before they can get the newest gear in which case they would want to be at their very best for the time being or am I wrong about that?

That's the point, it shouldn't be "a while" no matter the pace. At aransu-tier, you could complete Brood Chamber for new gloves. Alas, community is most of the time not of the same opinion. 

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14 minutes ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

That's the point, it shouldn't be "a while" no matter the pace. At aransu-tier, you could complete Brood Chamber for new gloves. Alas, community is most of the time not of the same opinion. 

Well it is pretty much the same situation we were in in a manner of speaking between draken accessories of the past and hellion accessories. Only real except is Draken line had no gloves to use thus resulting in most in just getting Starstone Mine Gloves which don't require a upgrade. In most cases I agree, you can get the new gloves from Brood Chamber, but we are also talking of players that are at the tier of game that more then likely don't have the gear for Brood Chamber (even though it doesn't require too much) it would depend on requirements that players set for you to join, and if you don't provide them with a easier run, you probably will have issues. It currently requires 100 runs achievement wise in order to buy in most cases on newer stuff you will reach first unless you have a horse shoe up your well you get the picture. But then comes into the question how will you upgrade it, if you manage to get into a Brood group? You need to run Den of Ancients and even players with good aransu gear have trouble where as your speaking of skipping some steps in between.

To each his own but if I see someone skipping upgrading on gear that effect their damage, I'm sorry you won't be joining any of my parties. Now once the imperial line of accessories are more the normal, I wouldn't object players to skipping the Hellion line currently, I do but that is just my opinion on the matter.

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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17 hours ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

They are more or less "free" for 100 Hellion cores anyway, I'm not saying to not pick them but upgrading them is a waste of materials. The power you gain overall with those isn't worth all the jewels you'll spent.

You might say that then it's the case with every other accessories, problem being the increases and bonus of other accs are far better than what King gloves offers. 

As I said, the gloves are the last item that gives a meaningful power increase. Waiting for Skyreach gloves is a better option especially when the amount of jewels you'll use to max them will be more or less the same as with King gloves anyway.


To be fair if the jewels consumption would differs between high tier accs and "low" tier ones, that could change my judgement on those but seeing every accs usually takes the same amount of those to go through the stages, then yeah it's better off waiting for the best accs to upgrade instead of wasting time to upgrade accs that you'll drop in a matter of a month or two :v


One can argue about raid accs since unrefined Celestial acc -> Celestial acc s1 is a whooping 500g + 4 Premium TS + 500 moonstone - elysian crystals, which might make it more expensive or tedious than getting the jewels.

Yeah, I agree on the upgrade part. The second other reason why I picked king glove for now was for the set bonuses. 4 and 5 give a total of 200 mystic, which is a decent side bonus to have. With the current gear as I have it, those set bonuses are a blessing, and I don't have to waste on a ring that I didn't want for it. I left ring for last because after reading what each piece does, Destiny ring isn't too shabby on itself. And the ring I really want is Myth. But getting it is still a bit beyond my gear and capabilities. Soon I say...

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Il y a 17 heures, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

To each his own but if I see someone skipping upgrading on gear that effect their damage, I'm sorry you won't be joining any of my parties. Now once the imperial line of accessories are more the normal, I wouldn't object players to skipping the Hellion line currently, I do but that is just my opinion on the matter.

What I mean is upgrading King Gloves to stage 10 by wasting so many gold for jewels is only a big loss on the long term. And as I said previously about the gloves differences is that making Awakened Starstone gloves is not only absolutely much cheaper but they're also on par/slightly lacking in dps compared to King gloves. (worst case being like 5k dps afaik, depend on the class I think but I'm not sure about this)


If you wish to do like Hanuku and get the set bonus, then King gloves at stage 1 (or stage 3 if you're really picky about it) is more than enough.


So yeah my point all along about the gloves is that the dps/power increase is not significant at all.

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1 hour ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

What I mean is upgrading King Gloves to stage 10 by wasting so many gold for jewels is only a big loss on the long term. And as I said previously about the gloves differences is that making Awakened Starstone gloves is not only absolutely much cheaper but they're also on par/slightly lacking in dps compared to King gloves. (worst case being like 5k dps afaik, depend on the class I think but I'm not sure about this)


If you wish to do like Hanuku and get the set bonus, then King gloves at stage 1 (or stage 3 if you're really picky about it) is more than enough.


So yeah my point all along about the gloves is that the dps/power increase is not significant at all.

You're completely right on the matter.

It's not a significant increase and is actually a waste of an investment, and you're better off putting your money elsewhere like upgrading your soul for the long run.


The problem is convincing the rest of the community that information, as a lot of the player-base is spoon-fed with upgrade information that doesn't make sense investing towards, but still lock you out for not having "the highest gear available".


To me, how people treat King's Gloves vs [Awk] Starstone gloves is nothing more than a hyped up accessory like how people raved about getting Destiny Rings and Immortality Earrings in the past. People raved about those orange trap gears because it had "more AP" and is a so much "better" than getting Desolate Tomb Ring and Xanos Earring, despite those two being the only accessories at the time to get anything with elemental damage before getting BT accessories.


This is honestly no different, and just as much of a trap investment.

Edited by ctan5418
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2 hours ago, ctan5418 said:

You're completely right on the matter.

It's not a significant increase and is actually a waste of an investment, and you're better off putting your money elsewhere like upgrading your soul for the long run.


The problem is convincing the rest of the community that information, as a lot of the player-base is spoon-fed with upgrade information that doesn't make sense investing towards, but still lock you out for not having "the highest gear available".


To me, how people treat King's Gloves vs [Awk] Starstone gloves is nothing more than a hyped up accessory like how people raved about getting Destiny Rings and Immortality Earrings in the past. People raved about those orange trap gears because it had "more AP" and is a so much "better" than getting Desolate Tomb Ring and Xanos Earring, despite those two being the only accessories at the time to get anything with elemental damage before getting BT accessories.


This is honestly no different, and just as much of a trap investment.

However, without the new gloves being released, King gloves were top and not considered a trap investment. See how the argument always changes based on current best in slot? I wasn't around for the whole rave about Destiny Ring / Immortality Earring, but still knew Elemental / Mystic was more important then what little AP the legendary stuff provided given the fact they even tell you the set bonus of truly being PVP items.

In any case the same argument will come up again when there is a tier above Imperial and then they will be listed as a trap investment by players like yourself and Lyn. I take the arguments like a grain of salt. I still stand by my statement that it all boils down to if the player wants to have the best possible gear at their current stage of gearing or doesn't feel to them it is worth the investment even with factors coming into play on who can truly skip certain accessories while others won't be that lucky in order to do so.

I maxed out my King Gloves just because I'm not entirely focused on progressing to end game as fast as possible and would rather have while minor increase in damage over missing out on the said damage. Besides, all of my jewels were free.

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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12 minutes ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

Besides, all of my jewels were free.

Mine weren't, and that makes a huge difference when resources are limited. :/ Though I agree on the part about maxing something if you are going to use it for a very long time.


Anyway. I believe this discussion has gone beyond what's needed of newbies to do, and is now flying into the realm of personal preferences, which aren't bad on either side. Just how some people play compared to others.

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6 hours ago, Sega said:

How come i don't see the Light/Dark Chests in the NPC? do i need to finish a quest before it unlocks? or were they removed?


Light and Dark chest were removed when they bumped the starter weapon to basically riftwalk / dawnforge. You can get those from the Temple of Succession "side story", or at level 50 you can go to the Dragon Trader NPC near the achievement merchant (one of his locations) in Zaiwei and buy the chest from him and pick which weapon path you want.

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2 hours ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

Light and Dark chest were removed when they bumped the starter weapon to basically riftwalk / dawnforge. You can get those from the Temple of Succession "side story", or at level 50 you can go to the Dragon Trader NPC near the achievement merchant (one of his locations) in Zaiwei and buy the chest from him and pick which weapon path you want.

Is 8 slots the one i need to go for? What happens if i use legendary gem hammer? Do they revert back to their original slots once upgraded?

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41 minutes ago, Sega said:

Is 8 slots the one i need to go for? What happens if i use legendary gem hammer? Do they revert back to their original slots once upgraded?

I'd personally say keep buying until you get 8 slot but the choice is yours and no once you fully unlock the gem slots the only way you will lose them is if you seal it and mail it to another character and open it since then the gem slots will be RNG again.

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