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I'd like to inquire bout soul badge fuses


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in case a X player suggests badge fusion between X and Y that doesnt exist ingame, and both badges go along pretty well, is there a case where devs will let this fuse badge into the game?

Edit: Because such badge fusion certainly wont effect the class and make it broken, as it will offer different gamestyle to the class

Edited by Jhii
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I mean... you can always raise the suggestion, and see. Most fuses that are already available / will be made available in the future are already the best ones to use for each class.. Which badges are you talking about specifically?

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True... am also posting in hopes that any mod notices me and notifies if its possible ^^  And also am talking about SF Earth, Holy fire and the upcoming pink badge, pink badge is only fuseable to courage, holy fire and pink badge would go along pretty well in short fights, better then courage and pink badge.

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