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aerial bug pvp


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since mt ....i started to experience this weird  bug , everytime someone aerials me the second part to their aerial bugs my char..... this has happen to me with kfm bm bd match ups .... when ever they do an aerial on me ...at the last animation my char floats in the air in a lag state for a good 4 seconds ...just spining in air then i find my self on ground getting comboed..... ...my char isnt lagging the whole fight my ping is stable when i go in air thats when the bug starts at the last animation  coming to the drop down my char doesnt drop ..on my side that is am force to fear the worst whats nto come next when i come out bug ....


what ill do is do a system restore and revertverything from last week and re download the update .



and no am not using bns buddy ....

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