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Get ready for the launch of Blade & Soul on January 19.2016

Blade & Soul launches in Europe and North America at 12:01am EST, January 19! To help prepare for launch we’ve collected together as much info as possible to ensure you’re ready to rise, strike, and avenge!


We’ll be launching with a number of additional servers, and we recommend coordinating with friends and clan mates before Head Start.

North America Servers

Europe Servers

Master Hong Ebon Hall

Iksanun Windrest

Mushin Cardinal Gates

Jiwan Wild Springs

Poharan Starfall Crater

Yehara Hao District

Hajoon[DE] Frostgipfel

Old Man Cho[DE] Bambusdorf

Soha[DE] Windweide

Juwol[FR] Dokumo

 [FR] Ogong

 [FR] Hogdonny

and now down to 2 servers....i ask u nc soft, do you really think u did good job on this game?i ask players do u think they did good job?


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1 hour ago, Snowyamur said:

it's NCWEST, and they aren't in charge of the updates being poured into this game; their only job is to hear about what has to be released, announce it, release it, and take the beating afterwards

I don't believe this is correct.

AFAIK they have the power to change upgrade costs, F10 costs, event rewards, antique exchanges, etc.

When they LIED to us on CS/HM resets and Demon Spirit Stones, etc. and didn't fix it when they COULD HAVE, they invited toxicity.

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Every single MMO that launches starts out with like 5 or 6 servers.

Then on launch day, those servers are not enough and people face long queue times and get angry.

That's when they open even more, and that's why we wound up with having so many at first as well.

Literally every single one goes through the same thing. They all have a huge boom at the start and then shrink to an average.

Now. As for whether or not they did a good job. The answer honestly, truly, is not really no.


Like I've said in a past thread...they monetized all the wrong things.

They STARTED out right!! They were absolutely on the right track in the beginning, and many people loved it. Blade and Soul around launch was a breath of fresh air. Finally, an MMO that didn't revolve around RNG boxes!!!! and then once they release Silverfrost, that's when the RNG boxes and trove started and that's all it's been ever since. It turned into yet another gambling casino which the majority of people rightfully hate.


"If they dont rely on highly unpopular for the long term ideas like RNG boxes or Trove, then how can they make money?"
Sell things players want to buy that don't feel like cheating and don't feel like they're being taken as a fool with endless amounts of money to throw away via gambling.


"Well, what kinds of things??"

You have a wardrobe with what-200 different items? But only 2 or 3 things are in rotation every two weeks along with maybe 10 other things that have been rotting in F10 for two years now. If I walk into a clothing store, I don't want to be told that I can only buy what's on 3 mannequins in the back room.


People act like customers who buy costumes don't matter. It's insane. This is where a considerable chunk of their income could be coming from on a regular basis. For example; A newbie starts the game. They have access to a crazy amount of costumes. They buy a couple, this and that and this and that-well now they've already bought in so they'll try to make it work for the long haul and even if they quit at least they spent a lot on costumes first. Now let's try that again. A newbie starts a game. They have access to 3 costumes and none of them catch their eye. They quit easily with nothing tying them down and didn't buy a single thing. Come on. But I'm sure I can say it until I'm blue in the face and they'll sit in a meeting and go "nope nope, rng makes us more" completely ignoring that rng costs them way more than it'll ever make them and these 3 years of flopping is extremely hard proof of it. But anyways even I get tired of being a broken record.

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Team Bloodlust is the developer and NcSoft is the publisher. What Snowyamur was saying is correct.


They needed to open all those servers cause of all the bots. Their were literally 100's of bots in game at release farming away at quests and field bosses.

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11 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

It's an eastern game coming over into a western gaming market. This is common across many eastern MMORPGs, and this primarily has to do with publicity, advertisement, and audience retention.


If this was a western MMORPG, the game would be doing a lot better than it is now because we're in the west, and western game industries understand what westerners want in their videogames, as well as how to market them appropriately.


To be fair, both NCSOFT and the community are to blame for Blade & Soul not doing so well right now; NCSOFT for making and pouring out bad game design decisions that are ruining the game's health, and the community for becoming progressively toxic towards anything NCSOFT does now, on top of spreading bad word of mouth. Granted, things like these should raise concerns and help improve the game, but it's clear NCSOFT won't listen to us because here in the U.S, it's NCWEST, and they aren't in charge of the updates being poured into this game; their only job is to hear about what has to be released, announce it, release it, and take the beating afterwards.


If we were part of the Korean gaming market and complained, I'm sure NCSOFT would listen because their HQ is located in South Korea, but we aren't, so we have to deal with it. Sad truth, really, but that's how it is.

Yep, I wonder why the community (what is left of it) has a negative attitude about everything ncsoft does now a days... it might have something to do with them not learning from their mistakes and scams?

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23 hours ago, Woah64 said:

now down to 2 servers....i ask u nc soft, do you really think u did good job on this game?i ask players do u think they did good job?


Somehow I don't think NCWest is that innocent, either. Ah adding the gold cost to the rngbox will certainly "help", so you see they are trying hard! Don't worry, Cricket!

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On 17/04/2019 at 8:42 PM, Snowyamur said:

Wouldn't this spread more bad word of mouth?

what do you mean by that? it's simply asking a request for a simple post that will happen in the future and if not then well then nothing, right?

Where are you getting at with the bad word of mounth from?

I don't understand you cricket. :HongWhat:

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Le 17/04/2019 à 19:56, Cappie a dit :

Yep, I wonder why the community (what is left of it) has a negative attitude about everything ncsoft does now a days... it might have something to do with them not learning from their mistakes and scams?

Because they don't consider those as "mistakes and scams", simple.

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On 4/17/2019 at 2:26 PM, Garlend said:

Team Bloodlust is the developer and NcSoft is the publisher. What Snowyamur was saying is correct.


They needed to open all those servers cause of all the bots. Their were literally 100's of bots in game at release farming away at quests and field bosses.

throwback to the misty wood summoner bots that would farm the keys all day long

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sometimes i miss launch of this game... it was fun and alive :)

yes there where trains of destroyers with profane weapon but ppl where diferent...

for example u would find easy party for poharan near enterance...

gear was not much problem, all could do it...

but now...1.5k+ in f8...yeah in f8 couse u cant find party near dungeon :)

bosses with bazilion health and trove for gg swipe to win :)

but i still love this game...and it hurts...

i know there is no back, but i will play this game in my head....

lvl 45 content was best...and ppl nice and good too...

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7 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

People continue to spit on any new updates NC brings to the game, and that's understandable because NC has scammed people before, and it's no surprise that many of their updates favor P2W players over F2P players. However, it's reached that point where if people are doing this the moment updates are deployed WITHOUT TRYING THEM, simply and heuristically assuming that they're going to be bad, when in some way, the update is actually good, that's where the line is drawn and this "spread" has to stop.

But I did not mention servers merge, only region merge. I also didn't say anything about the updates.

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9 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

I'm answering the question you asked me, which was where I was getting the "bad word of mouth" saying from @RavTH.

Which is completely misleading to what I said so what did you wanted to answer with that?

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On 4/17/2019 at 12:49 AM, Nylena said:

When they LIED to us on CS/HM resets and Demon Spirit Stones, etc. and didn't fix it when they COULD HAVE, they invited toxicity.

Really disrespectful to claim they lied about something you know they didn't.

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