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Take kfm multi frames away or give it to everyone.


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Tired of seeing them spam counter tremor then their fire stomp. Who the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ thought that was a good idea? I know some developer with no knowledge of gameplay. Get your asses on game and go pvp in battlegrounds. I am talking about someone who can see the problems with stacked evasion and immunity.  Learn your damn game already.


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On 30.3.2019 at 3:21 PM, Grimoir said:

last i remember they only gain immunity if you are dumb enough toi spam amsh buttons at them o.o

that has nothing to do with it, they are permanently immune to everything.


They Walk > Immune

They Run > Immune

They Attack > Immune

They hit into your counter > immune

They Pull you in> Stomp> you die.

Edited by Arohk
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il y a une heure, Arohk a dit :

that has nothing to do with it, they are permanently immune to everything.


They Walk > Immune

They Run > Immune

They Attack > Immune

They hit into your counter > immune

They Pull you in> Stomp> you die.

They finally get cc'd > 4 Escapes



Edited by Lyn Thunderfox
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  • 2 weeks later...

Lets take that 2 sec counter away. All I see is 1 1 1 1 1 1 tremor firekick 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tab 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 upkick 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tremor firekick.  Make them have to chain it random instead of simple. It reminds me of Mortal Kombats trip trip trip uppercut trip trip trip back them into a corner and high punch them to death. Wait that was 5 buttons  at least you had to press backwards and lowkick...and  down  high punch and high punch in a different sequence . They hated when we had maelstrom immunity of 3 seconds with a 30 sec cd lol. They basically get 1 every 2 seconds. 

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  • 2 months later...

let me give u the tea 



kfm isnt that op in bg ....its op as much as your team makes them...... i for 1 play a kfm .....and what i can tell you .....


try going into bg and stand and combo a person when 3 other people spaming at u like crazy u cant kfm basic skills do no damage until u comet strike or tremor and tremor and badge doesnt do that much either ......its all in comet stirke only way badge kill u if u stand or continue to get cced in it .



the way bg works with classes is melee classes kill faster than range that hows she should be as melee need to get up close and do something reason why bd can kill u if u blink dest flexing they muscle kfm tremor comet stirke , bm pull into light draw sf aerial but sf is broken as they have many ways to kill u, same for warden broken, .....they dont have time to tech chase and do what ever when ppl spaming at them 


as a kfm i  can tell u this, if i get up and spam counter only in bg i will die in less then 30 seconds .....counter as a cooldown most of the time in bg kfm will be on the defensive u til they finally get the chance to land tremor ..... what u can do is keep your distance from them and not bunch up as we get ap boost from stacking tremor on ppl. i kill kfm in bg as well ..... even with ppl attacking constantly ....either i go somewhere else or i deal with it ...go to a next b ase horn or switch .


also .... trying killing a destro , bd warden with tremor comet strike i can tell u this ..... if u dont know how to pvp and precise timing gl trying as those class u need them to tab or just really lucky to land it ....saying kfm is op when warden is here with 1 mil hp in total use projectiles from 16 m as a mid range class taking a way 3/4 hp on each throw and fighting a whole team without blocking lol like seriously ....same for destroyers that red spin for 1 min then cooldown immediately comes back hahaha cause ppl spaming at them to get focus lol



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On 7/1/2019 at 12:32 PM, Miggy Miggs said:

let me give u the tea 



kfm isnt that op in bg ....its op as much as your team makes them...... i for 1 play a kfm .....and what i can tell you .....


try going into bg and stand and combo a person when 3 other people spaming at u like crazy u cant kfm basic skills do no damage until u comet strike or tremor and tremor and badge doesnt do that much either ......its all in comet stirke only way badge kill u if u stand or continue to get cced in it .



the way bg works with classes is melee classes kill faster than range that hows she should be as melee need to get up close and do something reason why bd can kill u if u blink dest flexing they muscle kfm tremor comet stirke , bm pull into light draw sf aerial but sf is broken as they have many ways to kill u, same for warden broken, .....they dont have time to tech chase and do what ever when ppl spaming at them 


as a kfm i  can tell u this, if i get up and spam counter only in bg i will die in less then 30 seconds .....counter as a cooldown most of the time in bg kfm will be on the defensive u til they finally get the chance to land tremor ..... what u can do is keep your distance from them and not bunch up as we get ap boost from stacking tremor on ppl. i kill kfm in bg as well ..... even with ppl attacking constantly ....either i go somewhere else or i deal with it ...go to a next b ase horn or switch .


also .... trying killing a destro , bd warden with tremor comet strike i can tell u this ..... if u dont know how to pvp and precise timing gl trying as those class u need them to tab or just really lucky to land it ....saying kfm is op when warden is here with 1 mil hp in total use projectiles from 16 m as a mid range class taking a way 3/4 hp on each throw and fighting a whole team without blocking lol like seriously ....same for destroyers that red spin for 1 min then cooldown immediately comes back hahaha cause ppl spaming at them to get focus lol



Kfm shouldn't have that kind of frames period.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes i do think that kfm is pretty op against like most ranged classes. I mean against summoner they have countless aoe ccs and they can oneshot the cat if you dont see tremor coming. 

Also they have cc immunity for like 6 seconds and they can cast the skill once every 8 seconds. When their immunity is off they will just tremor or pull stun which you cant block except for pull stun. If you try to block pull stun they will just do some defense piercing bs or tremor since you cant block it nor can you see the animation before it happens on any of their skills except for the air jump. 

I play kfm as an alt and i have a super easy time against summoners its a joke really. 


And honestly the summoners defense break 1+f thing is utterly useless against classes like bm bd and kfm since they will just use some projectile resist or kfm and just e Or pull stun to stop you or they can C resist and they will be fine even with a broken guard.  Melee classes run faster than ranged and if your z is on a 36 s cd you cannot run to them while they guard is broken. And melee classes have a speed buff so its perfect for them to runaway and the summoner wont catch them in time. 


Kfms have a spammable block and our guard break cd is around 30 seconds. And we dont have enough iframes or counters to protect us when we literally cannot do anything against the kfm

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Some people are falling for the classic fallacy: "It CAN be avoided somehow; therefore, it must not be OP!"




This is just wrong.


The fact of the matter is: KFMs are too difficult to avoid hitting into to justify the reward they get for being hit into.


And "Just don't hit them!" is a vastly over-simplified statement when it comes to a KFM actively attacking you and dashing around randomly, especially when you're a class (like WL) who has a lot of abilities that linger around and automatically trigger KFM's guards.


KFM is just ONE of the unbalanced classes right now, though... And not even the worst offender IMO.


Warden is still an unbalanced class to many of the other classes, and I believe we're in an Archer-nerf waiting room as well rn.

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  • 7 months later...

Super late on this post, but my 2 cents...

KFM became a problem when they allowed Q/E to move forward. This allowed them to escape more situations. Used to, you had to be close to your opponent to get the iframe and if you were hit 3 times during it, you got 6 seconds of 100% evasion. Back then it was easier to control whether or not you hit their iframes, even though people still did it anyway. 

Personally I think it's a bit too much to have an SS/KD every 8 seconds, along with a spammable front counter that procs a 1 second iframe and extra defense when hit as well as a self sheathe. And now this being able to move forward on q/e, not to mention flurry reset. 

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