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I think I'm becoming a whale... should I be ashamed?


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Legit, I went from having noob gear to decent-moderately elite gear after buying 50 keys for trove.


In total, I gotten 3 glided gems, a bunch of crafting material in bulk to upgrade my weapon all the way to A6, and got a ton of legendary jewels to upgrade my accessories, as well as other goodies worth of upgrading material, and on top of that got a new spiffy costume for my char. Unfortunately, I never rolled the lotus skill/design effect. I sorta want that just to sell it in the market for profit, so perhaps I MIGHT buy more keys, but it's making me feel guilty for being such a whale. xD


I mean... on the plus side, at least I'm helping the game, right? People spending real money on BnS is the reason why the game is still running today, so in a way everyone benefits.


Edited by Kakujima
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Truth be told, trove is actually the best source of legendary jewels and elements and some upgrade mats if you dont wish to farm for them.

Spending 50 keys doesnt really make you a whale, i would say it makes you do an investment where your return on it was quite decent.


glad it helped you out and you got lucky with the gems.

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Dude.. you bought 50 keys. That's not even close to being a whale... or a dolphin... maybe a carp, if at all.


Why would you feel ashamed of spending money on your hobby? I don't get it. We're living in 2019, playing games is just another hobby like everything else.

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1 minute ago, amokk said:

Dude.. you bought 50 keys. That's not even close to being a whale... or a dolphin... maybe a carp, if at all.


Why would you feel ashamed of spending money on your hobby? I don't get it. We're living in 2019, playing games is just another hobby like everything else.

Magicarp! xD


But i agree with you. I have no problem spending money on something i like, be it a game or anything else., but you do need to know you limit. I always plan in a monthly "gaming money pool" for myself and only spend what i dedicate for it and not cross the line (unless a random costume in f10 pops up and i just need to have it).

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I should be the one feeling ashamed here. I have wasted money in this game. More than I'll admit, YET I have absolutely nothing to show for it. All my characters are on story gear, but they have changed race, gender and clothing an infinite number of times.... I'm no whale. I'm just a waster... >.<

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Not even guppy status.  When you are up around 2K AP and close to maxing out your gear you could then be considered swimming in the deeper water.  True whales would probably scoff at square gems in trove since they would've had them the same day this latest patch hit. 

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I hate whales for one and only reason : They dont put any effort to upgrade their gear (spenting a lot of money and max their gears in one month) and they treat free to play players that spent huge amount of time and effort to the game to gear up like they are garbages.
To all the whales out there "You might make more DPS than us but don't be happy, because you didn't put any effort for it and you will never break our fire."


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19 minutes ago, CastielSeven said:

You're not a whale. A dolphin or a tuna maybe.  A whale are those that buy the entire game without any effort.  I do my dailies on seven toons which gold helps me fund trove through f11. 

Is it rly worth to trove with keys bought for gold in F10? on EU 49 hm coins = 36 gold. You need alot of luck to get something worth to buy from trove this way unless you exclude key price.

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Honestly, the thing I don't get is people who support not the game but its horrible systems. We just had the orb fiasco as yet another means of completely invalidating the effort players have put into the game and only rewarding spending even more money to be able to enjoy the new "event". You can't currently get gem powders anywhere but trove.  To each their own, but I play a game to progress by playing, not by swiping my card. NCSoft just took another step towards seeing exactly how far they can push players and still milk them. You're giving them a resounding response that you just don't care how much garbage they throw at you, you'll keep eating it and smiling while you pour more money into the game.

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2 hours ago, Madscream said:

Is it rly worth to trove with keys bought for gold in F10? on EU 49 hm coins = 36 gold. You need alot of luck to get something worth to buy from trove this way unless you exclude key price.

Never buy keys for gold.. it's very much not worth it.. as 100 keys can go for as much as 5500 gold.. and 100 keys is definitly not worth 5500 gold from what you get out of them.

and even if you for some reason decide to still pay that 5000 gold then you also have to have enough gold to buy whatever you might find in the trove.

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17 hours ago, Madscream said:

Is it rly worth to trove with keys bought for gold in F10? on EU 49 hm coins = 36 gold. You need alot of luck to get something worth to buy from trove this way unless you exclude key price.

Sorry I meant f9.  And to be honest, i cannot answer that question because i just do it knowing that there are risks. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't.  It really depends.  But the risks of getting nothing and losing all that gold is still present.



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18 hours ago, Sherry Kaizer said:

I hate whales for one and only reason : They dont put any effort to upgrade their gear (spenting a lot of money and max their gears in one month) and they treat free to play players that spent huge amount of time and effort to the game to gear up like they are garbages.
To all the whales out there "You might make more DPS than us but don't be happy, because you didn't put any effort for it and you will never break our fire."


Hm....what if you look at it this way:

Say someone has only....1 hour to play daily cause you know life, work...w/e else and he does make really good money with his job and he really enjoys the game and loves it but the only way for him to gear is to spend money because of less time to play. Also someone being a whale doesnt mean he does good dps or even knows mechanics, there are plenty players like that out there that think op gear will make them good and then they die because they fail to jump circles in RT or to stun the first boss in ST.


My view is this: If they want to spend money, go ahead by all means spend it to your hearts contempt, cause that still will not compensate skill. :)

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4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Hm....what if you look at it this way:

Say someone has only....1 hour to play daily cause you know life, work...w/e else and he does make really good money with his job and he really enjoys the game and loves it but the only way for him to gear is to spend money because of less time to play. Also someone being a whale doesnt mean he does good dps or even knows mechanics, there are plenty players like that out there that think op gear will make them good and then they die because they fail to jump circles in RT or to stun the first boss in ST.


My view is this: If they want to spend money, go ahead by all means spend it to your hearts contempt, cause that still will not compensate skill. :)

Did i say they should not use their money to buy stuff in the game?
I think not.
They can spent all the money they want but they should not treat me like sh1t, because they have grand celestian 9 and true tiger soul and i am at aransu 9 with awakened hongmoon soul.
You can have your max gear because you spented money in game but behave yourself and dont thrash talk to other people in Battleground because you've spented a lot of money to max both pve accessories and pvp accessories.
As a free to play player it is hard to max both pve/pvp accessories and some people should aknowledge that before start flaming.

And the game has become so easy to make DPS, even if you dont know how to play, you just hold right click in simple mode and BOOM here comes the 1,5 million DPS.

Edited by Sherry Kaizer
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1 hour ago, Sherry Kaizer said:

They can spent all the money they want but they should not treat me like sh1t, because they have grand celestian 9 and true tiger soul and i am at aransu 9 with awakened hongmoon soul.
You can have your max gear because you spented money in game but behave yourself and dont thrash talk to other people in Battleground because you've spented a lot of money to max both pve accessories and pvp accessories.
As a free to play player it is hard to max both pve/pvp accessories and some people should aknowledge that before start flaming.

Welcome to the internet and online gaming. It is the same in every game that offers competitive PVP and it wont change. If you dont like them trash taling etc, ignore them and dont let it get to you.

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14 hours ago, Sherry Kaizer said:

Did i say they should not use their money to buy stuff in the game?
I think not.
They can spent all the money they want but they should not treat me like sh1t, because they have grand celestian 9 and true tiger soul and i am at aransu 9 with awakened hongmoon soul.
You can have your max gear because you spented money in game but behave yourself and dont thrash talk to other people in Battleground because you've spented a lot of money to max both pve accessories and pvp accessories.
As a free to play player it is hard to max both pve/pvp accessories and some people should aknowledge that before start flaming.

And the game has become so easy to make DPS, even if you dont know how to play, you just hold right click in simple mode and BOOM here comes the 1,5 million DPS.

From experience, usually those whales who trash talk and look down on others are those who use daddy's credit card. At least not everyone giving money to this game is like that. As I said, I can't consider myself a whale but I have spent a lot of money in my gaming hobby.


Also, for some reason, simple mode remains greyed out on my end whenever I checked that option.... No idea why. I could use that for some classes I REALLY suck at. >.<

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22 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Welcome to the internet and online gaming. It is the same in every game that offers competitive PVP and it wont change. If you dont like them trash taling etc, ignore them and dont let it get to you.

Their words doesn't effect me at all since i am 23 years old and i know how to talk in real life.
I am just pointing out why i hate these type of players, thats all.
Some games arent so much toxic in competitive modes because there is good balance.
In BnS the system puts HM 20+ players versus HM 14 players or mixing them up, and the high level ones get mad and flaming the low level ones.
If there was a level system like MMR to arrange groups everyone would be happy.

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There is calves (baby whales) teen whale, and whales. you're a baby whale at 1,300+ap so a calf, 1,600 ap is a teen whale, 2000+ is a full blow whale with manboobs and an arm brace.


Edited by Estellia
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Le 27/03/2019 à 14:55, Prototypemind a dit :

Honestly, the thing I don't get is people who support not the game but its horrible systems. We just had the orb fiasco as yet another means of completely invalidating the effort players have put into the game and only rewarding spending even more money to be able to enjoy the new "event". You can't currently get gem powders anywhere but trove.  To each their own, but I play a game to progress by playing, not by swiping my card. NCSoft just took another step towards seeing exactly how far they can push players and still milk them. You're giving them a resounding response that you just don't care how much garbage they throw at you, you'll keep eating it and smiling while you pour more money into the game.

I got one powder from Moyun and Shuna treasure chest xd 


Imo they should really bring back "boss treasure chest" on dungeons, especially Winter Mane and Jinsoyun since they're on daily lockout anyway. 

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