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Blighted Harpy...


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I don't know who or what intellectually challenged developer thought that giving a non-enraged mini-boss one-shot kill ability that by passes dragon blood orbs or the ability to cast a charm that cannot be broken, but the fact that this mechanic is in the game in the Ebondrake Lair dungeon is beyond the pale.


There is NO ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing defense or explanation for doing so. One has to be of limited mental ability to believe this is a fun, engaging, and challenging boss mechanic. It is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ poor planning and execution on the part of the developers for putting this in the game.


Charmed and dead. The Bloodlust developers have show they are limited in their ability to recognize their own failure for allowing this into a game. I'd not said a word if this was part of an enraged mechanic. However, it is not and it does not belong in this dungeon. Like their lying to us about the White Orbs and the Demon Soul Stones, it is just another failure in a long list of failures on those who develop this game. What's next? A standard mob one-shotting the Hongmoon Master(s) with a ball peen hammer? Enough, fix this awful lame and bad mechanic.

Edited by StrykerGaming
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1 hour ago, StrykerGaming said:

I don't know who or what intellectually challenged developer thought that giving a non-enraged mini-boss one-shot kill ability that by passes dragon blood orbs or the ability to cast a charm that cannot be broken, but the fact that this mechanic is in the game in the Ebondrake Lair dungeon is beyond the pale.


There is NO ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing defense or explanation for doing so. One has to be of limited mental ability to believe this is a fun, engaging, and challenging boss mechanic. It is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ poor planning and execution on the part of the developers for putting this in the game.


Charmed and dead. The Bloodlust developers haveshow they are limited in their ability to recognize their own failure for allowing this into a game. I'd not said a word if this was part of an enraged mechanic. However, it is not and it does not belong in this dungeon. Like their lying to us about the White Orbs and the Demon Soul Stones, it is just another failure in a long list of failures on those who develop this game. What's next? A standard mob one-shotting the Hongmoon Master(s) with a ball peen hammer? Enough, fix this awful lame and bad mechanic.


Is pressing F and SS and not touching the ring that hard for you? Its such old content now that its more so considered dps check than anything.

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25 minutes ago, RagingPhenix said:

learn mechanics; range protect against her instant death attacks.
F roll and SS after suction, do that and you won't be dying lol

Please insult me more with you asinine comments. Better yet learn to comprehend what the subject matter is. I was very specific about that.

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2 minutes ago, StrykerGaming said:

Please insult me more with you asinine comments. Better yet learn to comprehend what the subject matter is. I was very specific about that.

but essentially they are correct....f + SS and you wont get stunned / immobilized by her, then a self iframe or party iframe or bubble and you wont get hit. Simple. If you cant comprehend such simple mechanics i dread to think how you do in dungeons.

but you are right...better to scream "nerf" than to see your own fault and learn something valuable.

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There's so much hate for Stryker because he's probably only ran the dungeon once or twice without ever looking up a guide or asking around about mechanics for the dungeon and proceeded to come to the forums to complain over an attack that can easily be avoided by every single class in the game using the same 2 keys. It is not a design flaw of the game, Snow. Wait till you see the beefed up harpy as the third miniboss before zulia in the VT raid. If Stryker thinks that the harpy has an "awful lame and bad mechanic," then he's in for a rude awakening once he progresses to harder dungeons.


Honestly, this game has become stupidly easy that the only fun dungeons are end game raids and maybe shadowmoor to brood chamber dungeons. Ncsoft has nerfed all the older dungeons which ends up with them becoming a dps battle with the enrage timer rather than something requiring skills and teamwork to complete. Second boss of naryu sanctum for example: at 70%, boss begins the mech phase. I'll be tanking on my alt, conducting the rods, AND throwing every. single. rod. at the boss while everyone else continues attacking the boss dealing a measly 30-50k dps and ignore the rods even after being told that it does a lot of damage. What's wrong with this scenario? I do more than 350k dps on my alt, but I know that rods deal way more than that. If i don't do the mechanics for the boss, I know that the fight will last twice as long because everyone else is ignoring the rods. The nerfing of older dungeons results in newer players coming to reddit or the forums to complain when they encounter their first dungeon in which it requires just a little bit of extra effort or research on the player's part. This is also why there are so many threads complaining about solo content like outlaw island, circle of sundering, and den of the ancients and how they need to be nerfed because it's "too hard" while other people are running outlaw island with dawn/rift 3 weapons and no accessories or den of ancients with rift/dawn 6 to show how easily doable they are. Newer players have become so used to dungeons being so easy and brain-dead and there's no gradual learning progression like before.


Look up all the old dungeon mechanics for avalanche den, desolate tomb, ebondrake citadel, etc if you've never done them pre-nerf and you'll find guides that are at least 1 or 2 pages long for each boss in those dungeons on how to successfully execute and survive the mechanics. There were even some dungeons that require certain classes in the party composition in order to complete. This is what we old players had to research and learn before stepping foot in those dungeon for the first time. We'd start with yeti and his simple mechs and learning how to i-frame, then EC which requires all 3 CCs x2 and stealth, then progress to the harder DT dungeon which required the teamwork from at least 4 people in order to grab orbs and share the lightning in order to execute the mechanics and clear the last boss. Now, most dungeons up to maybe sandstorm temple can be done without knowing anything about the dungeon. New players will progress through the dungeons thinking that all of them are that easy and require no knowledge. I have seen some people actually speak up and say they're new and ask if there's anything they need to know about the boss before starting in F8, but that's the minority. Whenever that happens, I'm always more than happy to explain any mechs to them and what to watch out for. Sadly, I've only seen this once every few months.

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8 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

Everyone thinks differently, @Grimoir. Some get mechanics faster than others, or some look up a guide by someone who figured it out, learn about it, then come to insult others about not knowing it despite having not known it themselves before. I'm not accusing you of having looked up a guide to figuring out this boss' mechanic, then coming on to the forums to insult someone who didn't know about it, but this commonly happens, and the insults are usually unnecessary.

I do not dismiss the fact that some people may not know mechanics, and learn from them from other sources etc. But personally if you are runninga dungeon for the first time, you should at least go the extra mile to either watch a video or ask or read a guide. If you dont do that and then complain about the boss one shotting you....you know what i mean.


When i did that boss my first time i asked hey is there anything i ned to know about and i was tyo ld to roll and backstep and then protect. Sure i died the first time but that is not a hard mechanic to do. He did over react and i was not insulting, its just the way i usually reply :)

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11 hours ago, StrykerGaming said:

Please insult me more with you asinine comments. Better yet learn to comprehend what the subject matter is. I was very specific about that.

It's not one shot. You get shot once, then the next shot actually kills you. That means you failed the mechanic of the boss. One more thing. If it is to not kill you, it might as well not be there.

Edited by MassiveEgo
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"Hurr durr, I can't use macro and solo a boss while I take a dump, pls nerf, it's broken and not fun hurr durr"


As if the game hasn't been dumbed down for monkeys several times in a row.

Edited by Arcadeath
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Honestly why isn't anyone complaining about the real design flaw in this game ? ENRAGE TIMERS. Like what where the devs thinking ? Yo bro I know you've been fighting this boss real hard for 5 minutes now and it's almost dead, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ? FRACK YOU ! START ALL OVER like a good little "insert word that would get this comment deleted".

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6 hours ago, RagingPhenix said:

Honestly why isn't anyone complaining about the real design flaw in this game ? ENRAGE TIMERS. Like what where the devs thinking ? Yo bro I know you've been fighting this boss real hard for 5 minutes now and it's almost dead, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ? FRACK YOU ! START ALL OVER like a good little "insert word that would get this comment deleted".

Low dps makes you dead,

Same as low mech knowledge or Bad mech execution makes you dead


Do all 3 Properly and boss dies, If any of those 3  fails.. then you die

Edited by Draknalor
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On 23.3.2019 at 7:38 AM, Snowyamur said:

Okay, first off, calm down @StrykerGaming. Developers make mistakes; we're all human; we all make mistakes. From what you said, this sounds more like a design flaw than a programming error, so I would blame the game designers for this one.


Secondly, I agree. Giving a mini-boss, let alone bosses, a one-shot ability with little to no defense against it is a horribly-designed mechanic, especially if it bypasses Dragon Blood orbs; that actually sounds broken. If this was scripted for the story's game, however, I'd say otherwise, but it isn't.


While I've never played the Ebondrake Lair (since I'm a long-time returning player) I can understand your frustrations. Is it poor planning? Yes. Is it poorly executed? I can't say since I never fought this mini boss in the Ebondrake Lair, but if you aren't experiencing massive bugs or glitches while fighting the boss, I'd say the issue is really, really bad design.

You make me laugh more than the OP, why the heck are you trying to defend him so hard and say that it's poor planning and bad design from the developers when you never even have seen the miniboss the thread is about? You know nothing yet you judge that it's the developers fault, but you know what it's like the others already said, it's perfectly possible to avoid as well as protect against this attack. It's just another thread by someone who refuses to learn mechanics and instead cries in the forum.

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9 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

At least I'm not feeding this player's rage and whining unlike you who does it for fun @Cor.

I'm just stating facts if that makes anyone butthurt it's their own fault. But since you are going there how about you? Why are you feeding him lies about something you know nothing? Do you feel self-gratification to take his side and feed him lies about something you actually have zero clue about because all the "bad guys" are ganging up on him telling him that he is in the wrong? Must be fun for you huh.

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On 3/24/2019 at 2:02 AM, Snowyamur said:

I know what you mean. Unfortunately, not everyone does that. For some, Blade & Soul is the first MMORPG they've ever played, whereas for others like me, this is the 4th or 5th MMORPG. However, that's no excuse for dismissing common sense when thinking about whether to run a dungeon or not, or some instance where you work with others. Normally, you would want to be prepared for an event before participating in it, but that flies over many heads because people just "play the game to learn," when that's sometimes the wrong way to approach learning about game mechanics, or learning about how to deal with certain in-game situations, like boss fighting.

My two cents here. I utterly suck now, but I've been in gaming since the Atari 2600. Back then I had my full senses to play so I could complete games properly. I say this so I can explain my point. Now, I know that many concepts about gaming have changed since then, but back then, the concept of "playing the game to learn it" was pretty strong, and I think many players still do this to this day. They want to learn mechs by themselves without the input from a guide. Now here's where I believe the problem lies. Back then, most games were learned solo (most were single player games after all), so if you failed, it affected only you. Not such thing in multiplayer games, since failing means you take others with your failure. And this is where the "learn before entering" mentality comes from, I believe.


As for OP and the thread topic, I kind of understand OP's frustration. I mean, a mini boss one shotting people? wat? But my advise would be to dial the fury down a little. Maybe leave the game for a few hours and come back with a clearer mind. Despite what everyone around here can say, getting good at this game isn't the smoothest, easiest thing. This game may not be the most complex experience out there, but certain things may take some time to learn (and let's not get started with all the hoops needed to gear up). Even I with my time in the game still forget sometimes that SS, CC and interrupts exist, and only getting hit repeatedly (in game, mind you) serves as a reminder. I don't play with others anymore. I feel my time for that is over as I grew old and uncoordinated (I also get huge headaches if I do content that taxes my brain, so feh!). But I know mechanics exist and we have to learn them and go around them. Some may seem unfair, but after doing them a few times, I suppose they can be etched into memory.


Anyway, keep your head clear and don't let a game make you mad.

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To me the issue with it is simply that F is a normal part of a lot of classes DPS rotation, so suddenly you get stunned right before that phase and blow your F escape ability and now you no longer have it available when you need it to F -> SS and get out of her AoE. The mechanic itself isn't unfair, simply how it's implemented. Just shows laziness and a lack of understanding how their own system function.

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