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What do you think about Shackle Isles so far?


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Personally, I think it's fun and should definitely be in the game permanently. It adds variety to BnS. Some days I don't even feel like doing raids, so for me to be able to do other activities makes it more engaging.


On a sidenote, what tips/tricks do you have for Shackles Isles? A lot of times I get really nervous, lol. And being the complete wuss I am, I would constantly hide in remote locations as to avoid other players from killing me, especially as a Gunner with a lack of defensive skills.


Some key highlights I've experienced so far:


  •  Got ambushed by a BM when I went inside a random house. He did a surprise attack on me when I picked up the buffs. I CC'd him like crazy as to restrain him from completely wiping out my HP. I ran outside the house and used my jumping buff to fly away and escape from him... only to later get ambush by a KFM who 0-100 me just like that, despite my "mobile" Gunner desperately trying to run away. I begged for mercy, but she wasn't willing to let me live.


  •  I was hiding in a tent and waited for suspecting players to come inside, so I can do my surprise attack. Momentarily after about 5 minutes, a Sum went inside and got the shock of her life. I shot her with my Twin Barrels only until her cat aerial me inside the damn tent! It was hard to fight as my view inside the small tent was too obstructed, so I whiplined my way out and ran for my life. The Sum was chasing after me... but miraculously, I used my jumping buff to fly the hell out of there. I managed to survive with 2% HP left. Afterwards, the Sum somehow caught up to me again, but I jumped in a lake, so she was unable to attack me. She tried so hard. In fact, she jumped in with me as well, but when she realized she couldn't even target me at all, she gave up and left me alone! Lol, it was soooo funny.


  •  While gliding in the air, I saw a KFM standing on top of a mountain... like, super high up. I thought why not jump down and try to kill her? I did, but she fell down the mountain when I shot her. Afterwards, she tried to climb back up the mountain to get her revenge. I shot her again and she fell down once more. It was too hard to target her, so I thought it wasn't worth the effort and just glided away somewhere else.
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Sounds interesting, I never tried it but looks like you're having fun. I don't really care about pvp in the game. Everytime someone sees something good they want it to get nerfed just so their character can be on top again, or people get too up their own butts and discourage others to play pvp, sometimes in pve too.


But what matters is that you had fun and it seems interesting, hope you continue to have fun with it.

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I had made a post before on feeback for shackled isles and so far i think its great except i think that the 2 poison buffs we have are a bit too op.

i got oneshotted by the poison sapper by someone who i didnt even see! 

The master hing powerup is also kind of op cause it lasts for 4 minutes i believe? And since master hong has so much hp he is basically immortal.. and his attacks deal quite a bit of dmg so yea i think the poison powerups and the masterhong powerups are a little bit too op imo cause literally if someone gets the master hong buff when there are like 3 people left we can guarantee that the master hong person will win

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