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Returning player questions

Xarion Eden

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Hello everyone, I'd like to ask you guys a few questions. Before that though I feel I should mention that I haven't played since 2016. I have heard the game has become really pay to win, is that true?


Next question is about the population, are there still a lot of players around? My final question for now is it possible for me to catch up if I haven't played since 2016? I've read mixed answers on this and I'm a bit confused about it. I also want to mention this is not meant to bash the game.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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Sorry for my explanation Im spanish, 
About your first question, its a little complicated, Is the game pay to win??? short answer, no, long answer, not exactly, the game "for me" isnt pay to win but is pay to fast, if you pay, your progress is more faster than you dont pay,.
 In my opinion the game can change his name for "blade and Farm" You need a lot of time for equip the correct gear, a clan is totally required and the community is estricted a lot, for do raids and dungeons. 
About your second, the population is good but most are high level and could be a problem. 
I cant understand the last question at all, i try to translate xD 
You can start a new pj and be 60 in 2/3 days playing a little, but equip with decent gear.... its more difficult. Good luck ;-)

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