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New Idle Animations


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One of BnS's selling points is ambience: it looks interesting, different, exotic. Although there's some futuristic stuff in the form of ancient Naryu tech and modern research related to it, all of that fits the setting. It's all good and high fantasy wuxia.


You know what DOESN'T fit the setting? My Warden picking up her greatsword to air guitar a chi-infused solo or something. I'm having trouble finding the words to express just how outrageously stupid that idle animation is. Pants-on-head retarded? Utterly idiotic? In terms of ambience, it's like ordering spaghetti and meatballs but getting a turd instead of meatballs. Just WHY?! Whoever thought that was a good idea to add to the game deserves a swift kick in the naughty bits.


From what I've seen so far, only Assassin's new idle is halfway decent. Gunner's is a bit of a head-scratcher with the random shooting. Destroyers look like they've gone off their meds, ranting and raving at the empty air. It looks awful and jarring.


There's a lot of stuff in the game we can tune out one way or another. Our own character is not one of those things: he or she is always present and usually visible. The old idles are mellow, harmless. They don't poke ya in the eye. The new ones are crude and brash, disruptive. Revert, remove, gib checkbox to disable idle anims entirely. Anything. Just remove that eyesore new idle somehow.

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Im on a completely opposite opinion. I asked them on stream if the new idle animations will be included in the patch and hot no answer and was completely surprised to see them there. They added a little diversity in your "just sitting there chatting with my clanmates" screen. The old ones were too static and nonexistent if best. Id rather have my FM constantly creating ice balls and crushing them, than just standing there like a stick (yes, my Yun looks like a stick :D)  

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the Summoner one if pretty nice when she chases a magical  butterfly, the Blademaster one is also pretty good when she swings her burning sword.


My only critique is following:

It plays a little too often.

The animation doesnt stop and looks really awkward when you move around but the character still continuous the idle animation, it should stop when moving or running.

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I love'em.

Perhaps a bit commonly used but if anything i'd suggest allowing us to put them on our emote wheel and use them at will :3

Or maybe a chat command already exists for them and i don't know about it yet >.<

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Hi there, if you don't like your characters idle animation you can take your weapon off while you idle and you'll stop doing it

Although usually when people are idle they're not actually at the computer.


But if you for some reason find yourself sitting and starting at your screen doing absolutely nothing and the sight of your character having a sense of humor still alarms you, please know that at any time you can snatch that weapon right out of their little digital undeserving hands and leave them shocked, standing there quietly deeply ashamed for the horrific acts of a good time they were just attempting to have right in front of you


So since I'm here, time to make this about me

I love the idle animations but I wish they didn't do a vocal emot noise. My character is screaming every 30 seconds now.

Which is why I too rip that sword right out of his grubby little hands.

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I like most of the animations, tho my des is my least favorite. I've only seen warden do the guitar solo once, and I know I wouldn't particularly like that either if I played that class. Overall I appreciate the new animations, but it seems like they go off a bit too often. I don't know if their frequency is just a temporary boost to show off the new stuff, but if it stays, I think they'll get tiresome quickly, even for the cutest/coolest ones.


Also, I'm not sure that un-equipping gear is a viable option. Often I am idling at a boss waiting for my team mates to get in, and I really don't want to risk getting locked into combat without everything on. =P

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im confused. I am a blade dancer and my character only does this animation where she throws up leaves and slashes them as they come down. I have another blade dancer standing next to me right now in game, female, like mine, and she is doing a totally different animation where she gets her sword out and pokes it forward...are there different animations you can choose or is it depending on certain weapons or something? why is my character not doing the other one im seeing?

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7 minutes ago, Faline said:

im confused. I am a blade dancer and my character only does this animation where she throws up leaves and slashes them as they come down. I have another blade dancer standing next to me right now in game, female, like mine, and she is doing a totally different animation where she gets her sword out and pokes it forward...are there different animations you can choose or is it depending on certain weapons or something? why is my character not doing the other one im seeing?

The animations are based on what class spec you are (so for instance fire based force masters pull out a fireball where as ice is well ice ball in simple terms)

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aww man, i prefer the other animation, the character doesnt start screaming like the one from the spec I use ;-; wish we could either swap them or use both for some variety, my character screaming every 30 seconds got old pretty quick

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I liked lightning BD leaf slash animation.... But now I'm using wind BD, so RIP my preferences. Guess i'll have to get used to the silly poke... The warden guitar solo looks funny on my lyn, though I would have really liked to have a smaller scaled weapon. Even with smallest hands mine clips through the ground. >.<

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I like them my madness warden is like 'fear the power of darkness!' or madness. I just made that character looking all holy looking, I was surprised win the new idle animation kicked in I can deal with it just put new personality to my character.


my warlock has a voodoo-doll for Scourge it's alright.

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  • 6 months later...

How hard is it to add 2 disable animation for premium  , disable animation while idle?? I hate guitar ani of my female warden screaming like a Banshee and I wear full white outfit and weapon to have black stripes running after me... it is just ugly.  Please, put that option to disable those effects, 

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