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Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan Events Overview


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Be the last Cricket standing in the new Battle Royale mode – Shackled Isles, earn double rewards in raids, and collect event coins from Candycloud Park and other dungeon and raid quests for upgrading your Soul and Soul Badge or other items. All these events are coming in the Blade & Soul: Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan update, which launches on March 13!


Details: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/legacy-of-the-hongmoon-clan-events-overview/

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5 hours ago, bonboncat said:

Existing Awaken Ascending Soul required 16 Sacred Vail/Oil + 60 Transformation Stone + 280 Gold (from stage 1) 

Will old player receive soul cost refund?

No, they did this soul event before. Multiple times. There won't be a return on stuff. It's mainly for the new and returning players to catch up.

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13 hours ago, Indifferent said:

Hello, and to enter to "Heavens Mandate" and "Cold Storage 2nd boss Kari" we still need orbs? And how about "Zaivei ruins" what now be with that territory, and what quests and drops there will be now? Thank you.

Yes, you still need orbs. Dunno what you mean with zaiwei ruins there is nothing changing there afaik.

6 hours ago, bonboncat said:

Existing Awaken Ascending Soul required 16 Sacred Vail/Oil + 60 Transformation Stone + 280 Gold (from stage 1) 

Will old player receive soul cost refund?

No, there is no reason for a refund. Event currency can also be used to lower cost for other stages.

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