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please add legendary jewels and elements to the items we can buy with them... also, please add a proc chance for legendary jewels and elements when transmuting powders to elements and jewels.

right now, there's nothing "incredible" about the items from the peach vendor, other than badges, which are a one time purchase, and transmuting powders into elements and jewels procs elder dragon stuff, which are 100% useless.

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2 hours ago, Krucius said:

please add legendary jewels and elements to the items we can buy with them... also, please add a proc chance for legendary jewels and elements when transmuting powders to elements and jewels.

right now, there's nothing "incredible" about the items from the peach vendor, other than badges, which are a one time purchase, and transmuting powders into elements and jewels procs elder dragon stuff, which are 100% useless.

You know that if you ask for this they will:


1. Make 1 jewel / element cost like 10-20k peaches

2. Increase the amounts needed for upgrades.


Sadly every single time players asked for something like this they turned it around so that the overall "benefit" stayed the same. So i would rather it stays as is.

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