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Removal of demon spirit stone from oils transmutation recipe

Makina Usui

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I have evolved stones, transformation stones, crystals but I can’t craft sacred oils because of this silly stone. The only source for it is doing Cold Storage which gives max 0.05 stone per day (0.5 if I had 10 alts and time to do CS 10 times). This is way too inefficient, so please give updated method to get these stones or just remove it from the recipe. You know the nowadays gears require massive amount of sacred oils.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is terrible. I really do need oils - but i dont have those demon stones. Yet the friends i have have like 200 laying around from when they were able to farm and even drop from cold storage.
Please bring it back that they can also drop in cold storage or put them back on daily dash or anything.
Sure there are people who dont need them anymore. But if you dont play since idk what you just dont have these and the soul is so important in bns..
People tell me to do events to get my soul up but please? you checked out this one? spending hours there and dropping killer coins aint a thing

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