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VT Help


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I am like around the stage of needing VT. Maybe not really running it as equal but as carried-run first! The problem is, I don't see anyone selling spots like BT. What I want to also know is, how much will a full run cost me? Any info will be great.

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It depends on the party and depends on what you need.

For example:


Depending on the badge material you need it will cost you anywhere between 1-2k gold

If you need the necklace it will cost you anywhere between 400-800g

If you just need the achievement run to buy the soulshields it might cost you around 400-500g.


Your best option is to find a clan that is running it.

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Go to https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandsoul/ on right part scroll a littel bit down were is says discord server click on raid recuitment and enter that discord group. Once there, u will be say to choose a server and once u done u can either make an annoucment to participate on a VT (if u have the gear) or u can either watch many annoucment of VT selling runs, i don't suggest you to buy a full carry run just buy the vt badge u need first and neck and try to watch for runs with no fee because it will take u a long time to get the badge.

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I think it'd be trickier to find a VT "carry run", just because of how mech-dependent some of the various bosses/mid bosses are. The Twin Asuras pretty much need all hands on deck to do mechs to prevent a complete wipe, while Hive Queen certainly needs good communication and having each party CC in turn on top of other mechanics. Some of the mid-bosses pretty much require most of your team to do well. Great Thrall is one of the easiest to carry, however, if you cheese it, since you only really need 4 people to deal about 70% of the damage (letting the rest sit out until the final push). Just need 2 people to do the trace mechanic and 2 Summoners to use their cats on them to pick them up and everyone else just worries about keeping their health up.


But, if you can find a carry run, good luck man!

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