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More Race Diversity For Some Classes


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Hello, BnS Com!

First of all for anyone who is not interested in such topics, you may feel free to leave now. Of course I know there's way more important stuff I personally hope as well NC will take care of asap, but regardless I wanted to open this topic so that hopefully at some point it will be read and maybe implemented some day.
Although I'm quite sure there's already topics like this, I still want to open a new thread so that it's known that there's maybe still people interested in.

As the title says I wanted to discuss certain Classes and the specific Races they're bound to. Some people may not bother, but I want to know from you guys what you think.
I for example play an Assassin and I'm extremely annoyed that Jin is the one and only race Assassin can be. I personally would like to be able to make a Yun Assassin as well. In the story quest which guides you to Valindria, you also see the Yun Assassin (the person who tries to protect Jionah - the next Divine Maiden), so why not generally make it available for Yun?
Furthermore I also know a Warlock who would like to be able to play Yun as well and I think during the Story Quests there is also a Yun who at least performs some Warlock animations.
For Destroyer for example it would also be nice to have it for Jin available. As far as I know the upcoming Warrior, who wields a big heavy sword, will be available for Jin and Gon, so why not make Destro available for Jin?

Of course I see why certain Races don't have certain classes (but yes ofc Lyn is almost available for any class cuz such kawaii - nothing against Lyn fans though), for example a Lyn Destroyer or a Gon Assassin wouldn't really match (or a Gon Summoner lul) and also why Yun doesn't have it's own "Yun Only" class, because Yun is not everyones type (neither is Lyn but if u want to be a Sum or BD, welp) and also no one likes being Gender-Locked, but I think for the Classes I mentioned and the Races there shouldn't be such a problem.

What do you guys think/do you have suggestions or other things in mind regarding this topic I may have forgotten?

Cheers o/

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Dont forget one thing this game is made to make money and asian market is into cute things and thats why lyn was giving gunners because ppl was demanding for it there. We are only 2nd market to them and we dont influence them much on such things because i dont think we give them that much profit then like asian versions.

Ofc i would agree and would want some classes not to be a race bound thats how it goes.

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That is actually true, I probably didn't think about that because FM has no specific Race it's bound to and since there's already 3 of 4 races that can be FM I didn't think about it xD
But to be fair, the sense of this topic is not "make every Class available for every Race (regardless if it's overall fitting or not)" but for more diversity on certain classes that are tied to one specific race only and since FM is already playable for 3 Races I didn't mention it as well.^^

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3 hours ago, HateMe said:

The reason certain classes and races are bound to what they are is the game lore.

I assume you didn't read the original post fully... because if you were to believe it's the "game lore" that explains why some classes are restricted to certain races, the game contradicts this by introducing a YUN ASSASSIN IN VALENDRIA

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I'll only play the new warrior class if I can be a Lyn. :p:


Seriously though, it's mostly about development costs vs profitability. I doubt that game lore is given much consideration when decisions are made.

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I'd love to be a Jin summoner.


Also, since we're on the topic of races. I was hoping, if they ever made a new race, it would be the Lycandia ones. You know the ones near the spinner (Jin looking ones with wolf like ear and tails) area.

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10 hours ago, Luca094 said:

Lyn Destroyer or a Gon Assassin wouldn't really match

True but as always i feel it would be amusing to make a lyn destroyer :giggle: It would be very entertaining to have a tiny lyn wielding a hugh battle axe and just imagine the animation with that. Of course its already been done in Tera online XD i used to have a Elin Beserker that also wielded a large battle axe and i found it very amusing. Just imagine  a lyn spinning with her battle axe three times larger than her or going in for an attack and pole vaulting on to the other side of the boss when the attack is finished. :giggle:ok ok maybe not entertaining for others but i would find it entertaining to play a lyn destro. 

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I'd love to have a Jin forcemaster, personally, so that I could play as a male that I like (Not into lyns or gons. I hate the gon run) It always annoyed me that there's tons of Jin FM NPC's but that it wasn't playable on jin.



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Lyn cannot be destroyer, not because they cannot wield an Axe but can you imagine a little Lyn carrying(F skill) a huge male Gon :giggle:.


As I see it:


Yun Sin, WL.
Jin FM.

Lyn Sin.

SM/BD are race locked for sure.
Gon BM, WL(maybe), Sin, Gun (too heavy for the hooks :giggle:), and I don't see any other race as Destroyer.

And if archer coming, my predictions are Jin (as always) and Yun, probably Lyn later.


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