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decent computer low frames help plz


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so i dont know whats going on but my frames are dropping every time i fight it goes from 60-14 no matter what i do i updated my gpu still low frames but what i dont get is i played this game like 6 months ago and i was running 60fps -54 on high settings no problem with same computer now i started to play again and my frames drop like crazy i cant even play and get this when i lower my setting to (combat settings) or all low  ITS EVEN WORSE stupid right  i have tried to run 64 bit and 32 bit and now 64 bit takes a million years to load in and 32 bit load in like 1 min i dont understand whats going on so if you can please help me to see what i can do to solve this . Also when i played before on my ssd before i would load in 30 secs  and load right up in pvp matches and now i cant even pvp anymore because i have a 5 sec delay when i load up or in dugs it takes 1 min to load in were as before i would load in 10 secs sorry for so much but im just trying to explain the best way i know how :c heres my specs 

GPU:gtx 1050 ti

cpu:intel i5-7500 3.40ghz




also i have tried to uninstall and reinstall from scratch didnt fix it 

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There was a Window's update not long ago that screwed over a lot of player's FPS, it might be worth checking as there are a few solutions players have tried - maybe one will help you. Here's the thread to it.


As for the reasons as to why 64 bit version of BnS has a lot more data for your PC/Laptop to process, hence it takes longer and while the 32 bit takes a shorter amount of time. Using the 32 bits will speed up certain things like loading screen times, etc. however, it is also prone to crashes. As for why the same PC/Laptop is running the game differently is unknown and probably never known to us/you as it's dependent on what kind of "upgrades" NCsoft or even windows has brought into your PC/Laptop/the game. What I can say is, is that BnS is extremely CPU-unfriendly and will most likely max out your CPU when running it - even other games this generation won't be as taxing on your PC/Laptop as BnS - this is due to how poorly optimized BnS is. BnS is running on DirectX 9 and Unreal Engine 3 - both of which are severely outdated and incompatible with our more...modern software & hardware - another reason as to why your FPS could be lacking.


Hope...this explains a few bits and pieces for you.

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