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Simple combat mode custom skills feature


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Hello Everyone,

Since we all know the simple combat mode system just came up recently,This helped many high ping players and its helping new players as well


But there is few things we need to talk about to make this system better and reaches its perfect status


First of all, This system needs to be fully customizable by the player, Adding a skill, removing a skill, Aswell as the the priority of skills needs to be customizable too,What skill should be casted first what skills should be ignored.You get the idea


 Allow to use Simple Mode in F12. No reason to disable it there.


 Allow players to make their own customize Simple Mode. 


This would actually be perfect for anyone with high ping,

And everyone really.


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i really want a feature like that. Many players use diferent skills base on equips like badges/weapons/SS/brac so rotation its not the same for everyone. Its new system (and for me a good one) but i hope they can improve each more.

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