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How are Low Levels Supposed to Upgrade Now?

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You wanted people to focus on the new dungeons.  But you forgot, that to upgrade you need a massive amounts of Gold.  People rarely queue up for the new dungeons because unless you have 1.1k AP people simply leave the new dungeon. They don't even try. 


Sanctum and Naryu Foundry was the balance that helped lowbies get SOME form of upgrades along with the gold that was earned in the daily challenges.  The only thing the new patch did was create a seemingly impossible wall to conquer between lowbies and those who pay for the game.


I only have 1 toon at 1.1k. But what about my alts who are still at 1k attack power?  The only dungeons they could do is Naryu Sanctum and NF  Until i had enough gold to get some upgrades to allow me to queue up with the big boys.  (Daily i got least 15-20gold per toon) now?  Its not a possibility.  Because the gold that somehow balanced this was removed.


Now, it would have helped if the bosses in dungeons like IF and Ebondrakes lair was nerfed to the level of NS and NF in terms of difficulty. But that is not the case. Instead,  new players will feel discouraged psychologically because there is a wall between them and the new dungeons.


Another option would have been to not have any gold costs in upgrades at all until raven 6 (atleast.)  but  as it stands now? It seems  The company simply don't understand it's own players. 


Screenshot below shows me being kicked from a group. I blacked/censored out the names, but this is just one example.  But also notice that unless you have 1.1k AP, you wont be able to play the new dungeons. This is the reality. I speak for those who don't share their concerns.





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Yea that and im not gonna spend  20 minutes in a dungeon like NS and NF for a only 1 gold.  That is basically slavery. And this also makes it difficult  for other people to get their accessories because with less players = less contribution. 


And that is how it feels right now. The game becomes less fun and more like a chore. Least the way it was the ones who were over 1.1k ap would try and help in those dungeons because atleast they would get 7 gold out of it.


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Don't forget all that work you have to do for that ascending soul, you know, the one you get after a mex. of two DC's? The one that others used hundreds of dollars to upgrade JUST BEFORE this update?

And those weapons, so damned hard to upgrade... sorry can't continue SMH too hard.

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Yeah these gold changes affect the low geared people the most. Why can't reductions be made without nerfing something else? It's like a regressive tax. What's the point of simplifying upgrades when access gold for those upgrades is reduced? The motivation of an event to get a better soul is lessened when someone has extreme difficulty in getting in a party to run those dungeons in the first place.


I hope the dev team gets a whiff of this and reverts some of these gold changes, because most of these changes hurt those who need the gold the most.

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12 hours ago, RavTH said:

There was a gear wall back then cuz going from True Scorpio to Seraph/Baleful Stage1 costed 1k gold alone.

Does that justify making things harder for a group of players. If we want to really cut into gold..go "balls to the the wall" and remove gold strongbox from upper level dungeons. 


Lol I see they did remove the strongboxes. Lol here we go...

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Removing gold from the daily challenge rewards + nerfing gold from lower dungeon... Yeah, who needs new players to feel welcome anyway? I just don't get it I guess.

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easy, burn ur wallet or mastercard and buy lot of gold in gold seller and be a whales

i know what u feel too cz im a casual player too

its time to quit again until they bring back gold reward, etc again for gear up

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Here im stucked at baleful 8, and i think that, just for getting my 6 gems im gonna need like 2 weeks of playing 5 hours a day lol. Just for the gems.


I played 2 years before and now im not really sure that I can reach end game content.

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Simply put, they need to put some kind of gold back into the Daily Challenge... either put the 1g/10g/100/g/1000g or a version of it (even just 10g with a rare chance to get 100g).


The big issue right now is that you can't obtain materials or gold easily unless you can do NS or higher... but you can't do those dungeons without building your gear... which requires materials and gold... the vicious cycle is getting smaller and, well... circling the drain.

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6 minutes ago, SilverFoxR said:

Simply put, they need to put some kind of gold back into the Daily Challenge... either put the 1g/10g/100/g/1000g or a version of it (even just 10g with a rare chance to get 100g).


The big issue right now is that you can't obtain materials or gold easily unless you can do NS or higher... but you can't do those dungeons without building your gear... which requires materials and gold... the vicious cycle is getting smaller and, well... circling the drain.

Not entirely true. They seemed to have removed strongboxes and safes, or nerfed em hard, which was the main source of gold for gamblers/tier 2 players. You're limited to daily g, which isnt much for non premiums, and playerbase transactions, regardless of your level. Sure its hard to upgrade as low level, but it scales to be about the same if you're still a casual player later on.
Why they nerfed the silverfrost dungeons to not drop treasure pouches anymore though, i have no idea. It seems you have no choice but to run legendary mat dungeons anymore

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6 minutes ago, Laura099 said:

Not entirely true. They seemed to have removed strongboxes and safes, or nerfed em hard, which was the main source of gold for gamblers/tier 2 players. You're limited to daily g, which isnt much for non premiums, and playerbase transactions, regardless of your level. Sure its hard to upgrade as low level, but it scales to be about the same if you're still a casual player later on.
Why they nerfed the silverfrost dungeons to not drop treasure pouches anymore though, i have no idea. It seems you have no choice but to run legendary mat dungeons anymore

But you can't get into those dungeons unless you're about 1k at least... because, like I said, you're not going to be looked at, let alone accepted, if you're not at least 1k (possibly Raven or more) for anything above DT.

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2 minutes ago, SilverFoxR said:

But you can't get into those dungeons unless you're about 1k at least... because, like I said, you're not going to be looked at, let alone accepted, if you're not at least 1k (possibly Raven or more) for anything above DT.

Well no, i'm not saying you're wrong that getting into those dungeons is difficult, i'm saying even if you do, there's no point getting your hopes up. You probably won't make much from them now anyways. So it's not just low geared players, it's anyone that wasn't ahead of the game that's in a bit of a bind (for example, one guy posted a thread about how he went storm 3 and cant roll back. now he needs 78 he says, but actually need 103 blood pearls, which is roughly 10-20k)

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I just don't see the logic. Upgrading weapons from Baleful/Seraph to raven costs about 400 gold in Legendary elements or Matts alone.


This change would have been acceptable if they had removed or reduced the amount of elements needed for that upgrade. Atleast reduce it until raven 6. (or not have any legendary element requirement until raven 6 since it is at raven 6 + that you get into the dungeons that actually have the gold to buy those elements. )


Reducing the Gold and keeping the elements at the same cost will leave many players frustrated with the lack of progress in this game.  


Just doing some math. 


There is a similar ungoing topic on reddit about this as well.



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It's funny how they keep reducing upgrade cost of older content gear, it's great for new players but at the same time they screw the game economy on the way, there are changes that are good for old and new players, but it's lost at that in between on gearing, it's just a nightmare considering the prices of things, new players will be stuck forever after Baleful/Seraph, now that they nerfed daily reward chest and old dungeons gold rate, how are these new players supposed to get enough gold to upgrade? As people are saying in this post, as much as I truly love this game, I wouldn't recommend it to someone new, at least not in the state it is right now.

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No matter what reductions they do, People still hit a wall the moment they get to the part where they start needing PTS. Now that moonstones are effectively impossible to farm, crafting those with any chance of failure becomes a painful and expensive.

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