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Abusing loading times in arena.


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I had assassin opponent yesterday that did every time same opener, shunpo + c stun and could not avoid that even if i spammed iframe from the waiting room. Would be nice if there would be like 2 - 3 second immunity after game start, so you dont need lose neutral game because you are loading into game. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

It´s not only sin, also Gunner and BD can abuse the loading screen of others. While Sin & BD don´t cause that much dmg, gunner chunks 52% of your hp with 1 air borne.
NCSoft should definately consider a timer of 5seconds, when ported into the arena, to give both parties, regardless of spec, a fair start.
People with lower spec, that didn´t install bns on a ssd, or even have a good ping are already handicapped, since they can´t pull of combos, nor deal the dps that could be possible.

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This is a technical issue but I totally agree it's still not sufficiently fixed. I can sometimes just flurry-aerial people with lag at the start of a game. I can also move before I even see myself. :/

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