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Mystic Badge for Earth Summoner


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With the new summoner mystic badge change... Is enigma still the go to badge? As an earth summoner, I never find myself running out of focus.


With raven and bt... What mystic badge do you recommend for an earth summoner.

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Well I did not do the exact math for it, kinda followed my play style (plus gear)...

skyrift needs 1 to trigger, and only weed whack at that, but has the higher modifier... puls uses doom and bloom to trigger but lower modifier, both 6 seconds.

Now with bt soul shields, you have a lower cd on doom and bloom (was it 13 seconds? can't check right now), which is way lower than over 20 seconds for weed whack. But, if you block often, you reset your 1 and can get the proc from the badge again.

So the question is, how often do you block and how long do you stay in bt soul shields... on the other side, for content where you have to root, the skyrift one is useless.


I heard from someone else, for bt pluse is still good/better (not sure if they did the math), but for vt soul shields skyrift is better (assuming you don't have vt badge of course)


Personally I went skyrift, because I am very close to 8 vt shoul shields. But if you are gonna stay in bt some while, pulse might be good as well...


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