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Shadow Gunner QoL changes


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This are suggestions for Game Developers
Not really asking for more DPS for Shadow Gunner, but we know Fire is better and will be better, so, some changes could maybe balance the things for both elements, or at least make shadow less frustrating.

Moonshine Move 1
Why does this skill cost focus? it's supposed to be a focus recovery skill, when you are on Lightspeed sometimes you hit this skill late and can't use it, or simply when you run out of focus, so you have to reload and then use it, wasting a lot of time. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to have 0 focus requirement for this.



I feel like this skill should consume more Dark Light, 60 to 75, if you're using this is because you don't want to go Lightspeed anyway, so maybe this change could make it easier not to go Bullet Storm when you don't want to, specially during Soul Burn.


Triple Shot / True Shot
Honestly it should be only 1x Triple Shot -> True Shot, same as Fire.
In some occasions using 3xTriple Shot -> True Shot it's a DPS loss, this change should make easier to maintain DPS, Dark Mark it's important, but as it is now, some people don't even bother with it, I think in the future will be even worse. 
Also the casting time for True Shot is bad, specially during jumping mechanics, at least we should be able to jump.

Scorched Earth

The only complain is jumping mechanics, should be able to use it while jumping.

Awakened Darkshot / Awakened Bullet Storm

I feel like Shadow Gunner is the only class that sometimes hates going Soul Burn, why Awakened Darkshot makes us go into Lightspeed faster if Awakened Bullet Storm has the same focus cost (focus issues), if the cost was at least half would be nice, but no.
As I see it, there is 2 options:
 - Decrease Dark Light generation on Awakened Darkshot
 - or make Awakened Bullet Storm cost less focus



For all this changes I'm taking in consideration latest KR updates, like Tombstone generating 50 Dark Light, this will help a lot.



Alpha Call

This would be for both elements, but I feel Alpha Call animation/casting time is too long, and resetting Soul Burn/Blue Buff mess the rotation for some classes.
So extending the duration of Soul Burn and Blue Buff would be the best.
Like  Soul Burn (15secs) -> Alpha Call -> +15sec for Soul Burn
Also, make Alpha Call available while moving.

I think it take an entire 1 second to use Alpha Call, make this faster so Gunner are not lazy and use this.



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