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Help this newbie


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Well I can't help you with the sin in particular, as I don't play one.


Just general stuff:

You can switch elements and/or skill function at any time, so feel free to play around with it ;) At first you want to do the yellow main quest and the violett quests (if you get to a point where you need an item and don't have it at that time, it is ok to leave it for later). The yellow quest will give you everything you need (weapons, jewels, soul shields, later gems and pets and stuff). You can do the blue quests if you want, but if you want to skip them that is alright as well.

The story is kinda like a super big tutorial, so you can learn the class. There is also F12 to learn some basic combos. 

I would recommend you find a fellow sin to explain some stuff to you, maybe look in the assassin part of the forum to learn some stuff or see if you can find someone ingame (or a clan to help out with emergency questions and stuff)


otherwise your question is rather wide, but feel free to come back to forums or ask in the faction chat (depending where you are you get good and bad answers, as always)

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