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just wanted to ask if someone manged to force DX10 with BnS? I think it would bring some improvement in term of stability and maybe better graphics possible (useing real Anti-Aliasing).

I know  BnS is running on the old Unreal Engine 3, but this Engine is capable of running on DX10 even DX11. Maybe someone of u guys, or someone from NCSoft have some information about this.

Or this question can be send to the Devs in Korea?


Sry for my bad English, it's not my main language ^^

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I know the client has a lot of bugs, they shouldn't have taken the chinese Client, becasue it's already a modified version of the korean Client, so we got a modiefied version of a modified version. Getting a modified Version of the KR Client could help aswell. Shouldn't be that hard to get DX10 working, have read about other games which manged to upgrade from DX11 to DX12 within 3 weeks with a small team, thats my i am still hopeing.

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