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Request to remove RNG evade in Arena


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The arena is designed to test one's skill and ability, and what better way to express how "GUD" you are than being completely carried by your evade RNG. Sure, maybe keep KFM's full agility (eh...maybe not so much), but for certain there is only one class in this game that punishes you for being smart enough to not hit into their counters and that is Sin. The only class in the game more forgiving than anything I have ever before seen is the BnS assassin.  The amount of ways for it to get into stealth, stay in stealth, and evade just about anything and everything is, least to say, ridiculous. You could perfectly time your tech chases, but as long as their evade stat is up, you're not going to hit them. I have seen, time and time again, sins out right evading CC abilities in the arena, CC abilities that could and would have instantly turned the tide of the match. However, because of a literal gambling mechanic built into the sin's defense system, you're very likely to miss and screw yourself over by wasting a CC ability that would have landed otherwise.


Thus, my thoughts on it are clear: remove this BS defense from assassin. It's simply completely unfair that entire CCs and perfectly timed tech chases don't land because of a literal RNG system.

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Agreed, RNG should NEVER be a factor in a COMPETITIVE game, of course the BNS devs aren't capable of understanding something so simple. I mean they haven't changed it so far and it's been years. Kappa


Also, Frost orbit should be removed from FM (or just remove block approach in this game there really isn't a need for this anymore)


You shouldn't get punished for catching and comboing someone,ever. Just makes FM a completely brain dead class, on top of having the best defenses in the game

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adaptability is also a skill, so including certain RNG elements in PvP just means it is harder to stay on top of your game and fast reactions are rewarded. Since the RNG makes it harder for both the sin and the opponent, because both do not know if evade will happen or not, this is not a discussion about balance but whether we want BnS PvP to be easier in general.


Personally, considering we are making it harder constantly by introducing new classes, I feel it's counterproductive to remove those evade elements, especially as they are nicely defined and also have defined countermeasures (i.e. defense penetrating CC).


For us KFMs, it was a good re-balance when aerials started to double evasion. Before, we were punished disproportionately for airing an opponent in 3v3 and 6v6. Now, enemies have a harder time dps-ing us in the air, without making us outright invulnerable.

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