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Abusing BID bug!


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So today i rushed onto two people that were randomly abusing BID-ing bug. Thing is that people are trying to trick others.


Example: Soulstone Crystal x2 bid started, 3 people want it and there goes that copper war (massive bidding with coppers between 3 people). 
Then 4th randomly in mid of their bidding puts 1 gold so while those peoples are spamming they might click BID without noticing gold and actually bid 1 gold for something that isn't even close to be that price. But that's not a problem or bug here, people need to be careful.


Thing is when they do manage to put 1 gold between others BID in hope to get other people to continue bidding, if other players notice and none of them actually BIDs more than 1 gold, the guy that tried to trick others leaves dungeon and makes BID fail, so none of us actually get the item that was on BID and he/she doesn't spends 1 gold or amount they putted there. Item just transfers into copper. (After it repeated once and other guy did same then item transfered into copper).


So it would be good to add that player can't leave dungeon/game while bidding. But that'd be annoying if other takes too long, so best possible solution is that u can leave dung if u DID NOT bid for item that is currently on BID and u are sure u won't BID for next items that are left (if there's any). So if u BID for item that 1 gold and tried to trick other, u can't leave dung or game (like if u are in combat) so u gotta spend that 1 gold for trying to trick other people.

There's 1 screenshot of what happened.


Hope you understand, my English is awful ^^



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I remember once, a few months ago, biding for a Flower of Lament, the bid was pretty intense because almost everyone wanted it. When it was around 2 golds, only one guy and me were left bidding, and the other guy, expecting me to overbid him without looking, bid 86 golds. Obviously I passed, he didn't leave (maybe he didn't know he could) and every player but him ended with a little fortune due to that guy's foolish attitude.


On the other hand, if they leave, the item goes to bid again, so I don't know what's  your problem about it :/. Yes, its a dirthy strategy to use, but easy to avoid if you are careful.

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As stated above, the item will go back to the bid when the player who bidded the item left dungeon.


However, the item will go to the bottom of the list. So, you have to wait until all other items finished bidding.


To avoid getting scam or misclick into this trick, it is better for you to enter the actual gold value (instead of just spam pressing yes/no on bid chat).

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No guyss, relax. I said we didn't fall for it. For some reason once guy tried to trick us with 1 gold, he went so item started over again, so other guy tried with 1 gold and he also failed but this time item turned itself into copper immediately...No idea...It's fine sorry for spam ^^

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That's not a bug that is simply you all not paying attention and someone finally getting fed up with a pointless copper war and throwing in a high number. I know a lot of people will do that but normally for silver if they see a pointless stupid copper war. In these dungeons I bid one copper, if someone out bids me I throw up the max amount i'm willing to pay for the item.. if they bid over oh well they can have it. I don't do BS bidding wars, it's a waste of everyone's time. 

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On 14. 02. 2018. at 12:03 AM, Straxedix said:

No guyss, relax. I said we didn't fall for it. For some reason once guy tried to trick us with 1 gold, he went so item started over again, so other guy tried with 1 gold and he also failed but this time item turned itself into copper immediately...No idea...It's fine sorry for spam ^^

Actually, if the person who bid highest leaves, the item doesn't automatically go to the bidding list again...the party leader gets a prompt if he wants to put it up back for bidding or throw away. 

The problem with this is, people will  throw the item away automatically by accident because that prompt look almost exactly the same as prompt for throwing things away from inventory, which I assume most of people with crammed inventory space do after every dungeon.

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