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The Valentines Day Event isn't that Bad.


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I've seen worse events in other mmos.  Oh how people cried back then in the forums. The year was 2008. Zombie plague edition.  Every mmo has events like these.  They actually become fond memories in the long run. Sad truth is because of the uproar people cause, the devs become discouraged from repeating such events.  I would like to suggest a zombie plague event for BNS like they did in wow. But instead of zombies it would be the black rose curse spreading to players turning them into demons which flags them for PVP. 





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It is garbage by design and garbage because griefers, who already come pre-installed with bad intentions, welcome any chance they can get to troll other people. I've seen people actually say that they can't pass up on such a good "trolling opportunity".

However, once CIVIL people learn that all the killing at the wheels is unnecessary, given that you CAN just go off somewhere else with a friend to "win trade", people will do things like form lines and actually remember who they were behind if they get one-shorted by an aoe at the wheel, rez, repeat, etc..

The achievement minimum for the goodies is 20× kills per faction, and anything beyond that is ONLY for the achievements of 100× kills - nothing else.

To better protect yourselves while waiting in line, just DON'T put on the faction outfit until it's your turn to spin. It's not 100% invincibility from attacks by trolls, but it greatly reduces your downtime from dying from the childish troll pests.

With all 40× kills out of the way, like how it is for me, it is now JUST a matter of time and RNG, using my FIVE daily spins each day, and getting up to 5× of the tokens I need from the wheels. The other day, I got a couple soul crystals, a moonstone, and a sacred crystal. It SUCKED, just getting ONE token for the day.

Anyway, once order can be seen as something that CAN be maintained during this event, more and more people will follow suit. You'll still have trolls, but this just gives everyone else the opportunity to make note of and remember these people when it comes to future groups for dungeons, raids, or even a personal rez.

If THEY want to burn bridges with the rest of the population so bad over a +1 boss attack power item with a cosmetic effect, or just want the achievements, just remember that bridges, like roads, can be traveled both ways. You can choose to ostracized and exclude these knuckleheads in the future, and I think anyone who's DONE this event and gone through all this garbage will completely understand and not oppose your decision.

I'm a nice person and afford everyone respect, as equals.

--But my memory is longer than most peoples' lifespans, and I have no problem holding a grudge until the end of all things.


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WHAT A HELL U GOINT TO THOUS DAMN WEALS SPINNERS? this event 1 chokolate per day and 9 from week. ALL writing some nonsences "little drop possibility". DROP POSSIBILITY OF WHAT?! after u have "neutral" 2x65 gonna go to "best friend for life" and gonna write to him - u know leave char for a hour I need event complete so gonna kill and res u 40 times?! U must be kidding right? Or u so short for moonstone and sacred crystals?

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