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I became a BT meme (Dragonstorm Ring)


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31 Venomsky Drake kills and I am still stuck with a purple Ring.

I know it's not a bug and it is supposed to be random, but can the dev team please take a look at the Dragonstorm Ring drop rate?
This curse is getting annoying now since it is more than 7 months I am waiting for the ring to show up.

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On 12/2/2018 at 1:36 AM, RanMaster said:

Your looking for WIND?

What about lightning?? BT Gave me the wind accs, but I want Lightning, I wish I could trade or transmute them for alternate elements.

That's what I asked to the support, if they could exchange one of my elemental ring for the wind one.. but I got denied.
For them it's totally ok if after 8 months because of stupid rng you are stuck with a purple ring even tho you are able to clear any endgame raid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ya in my static group there is a ton of us that are fire element and the stuff just isnt dropping. I also need my ring and it just wont drop. Omgosh tho frost has dropped like crazy the last couple weeks. Maybe i should have gone ice build on my FM XD

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