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Stage 10 Soul to Awakened Ascending/Critical - Is it necessary to put a RNG here?


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Oil is not cheap, and I don't see a good reason why it must cost an extra oil for unlucky players who acquire the soul they don't want. Mostly from Critical Soul to Ascending Soul, cuz not every class benefits nicely from burst soul. Players have to spend extra gold or mats to make an extra oil for the change, while the cost could be contributed to other meaningful upgrade.


Oil can come from event, yeah, but remember that it is not for free: oils would require you weeks of farming event. Also, why should players waste one oil to change the soul while that oil can be contributed toward the upgrade of True Soul?


Therefore,  RNG of Stage 10 to Awakened is there just to add unnecessary cost to player. I think it should be removed, and let player choose the outcome they want.

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