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For this week's rotation: NO old/ugly cosmetics!


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This is a challenge, nay, a DARE for the Devs and/or localization team for NA:


For this Friday, ONLY post new, never before released outfits and any related cosmetics.


We, the players, the customers, the consumers, the end users, are fed up with the marketing tactics that result in older, uglier cosmetics becoming the new "norm" for the bi-weekly rotation, AND we would also like for Tuesday's after-maintenance updates to include new items in the Hongmoon Store again. You guys used to post on occasional Tuesdays on the same week as the Friday rotations, but it has not happened in about a year or so now.


I understand that the Tailor Shop is a work-in-progress, but please, add more cosmetics to be customizable with each and every weekly, or at least bi-weekly maintenance. Our current choices are slim, and kind of suck, but that's my opinion. My opinion just happens to coincide with the opinions of many other people in the BNS community.


Today's Specials only ever interest me when cosmetic items I had missed out on make a return, and making the same five or six outfits or adornments UNRELATED to those outfits reappear every few weeks.

We don't need five different palette swaps of the same winter coats or school uniforms, or ugly outfit sets with tacky wings that can only sparkle while equiping the related cosmetics.


No more old, ugly junk!

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Tomorrow, being Friday, I will check the Hongmoon Store, hoping for something NEW, and not ugly.

I will hope for the best, but will expect the worst, and I'm sure my increasing levels of disappointment will be compounded, exponentially, because anything and everything good just keeps getting trapped in RNG boxes and horrible RNG trove. This game is too expensive...

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lol they failed with their twitch stream for the third time today and didn't give a shit still. so their definitely not gonna give a shit about releasing new outfits tomorrow. theirs like a 1% chance that they'll actually give us new outfits tomorrow lol.

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