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Tailor Shop's DUMB light source positioning.


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As title says. No matter which direction my character is facing, or which way the camera is facing, and no matter what map I've tried this on, I have this dumb light source positioning where it's BEHIND the character, and I cannot tell what each color choice ACTUALLY looks like, let alone be able to accurately identify which color I'm picking. This is a recurring problem with Korean mmorpgs, where the color is a little box you click, rather than a bar with a slider on it. I can understand the reasoning behind having a single box for a particular shade of blue with a certain amount of either red or green tiny, respectively, but OTHER games, including mmorpgs can handle this kind of programming just fine with not-even-modern technology. To have all of the different color boxes so lazily scattered all over a grid, with no order to them, whatsoever, how about letting us rotate the camera view so that we can have a BETTER view of the color we're thinking about investing HMCoin/NCoin into...?

You have a few boxes that are blue-ish, but it's kind of tough to tell how it will look in normal lighting until AFTER we "confirm" the color, which is to seal in the deal, costing us chromatic threads, PLURAL, per attempt, along with gold. Sure, the gold cost isn't so much, but at 40HMC/NC a thread, when it takes 10 for an outfit plus ONE for each detail/color change, where an adornment is 3 plus one for each change, the costs of "mistakes" can be more manageable, and easier to prevent if we could just change the camera view, so that the sun is NOT at our character's backs, while we're stuck at a viewpoint, trying to decide on color changes based on how a color looks on the shadowed side of our characters.

Other than there being just a few outfits and adornments available to customize, this is my major issue with the entire system - the dumb, static, unchangeable viewpoint as it relates to the light source, being the sun. Character creation affords us the ability to change the setting, time of day, rotate the character, etc..

Finish baking this half-baked system already.

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