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Something should be done about the abysmal drop rates in Zaiwei Ruins


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This issue has been raised before, but many people including myself like to collect in game costumes, and the drop rates for the costumes, Bully Wrap and Wild Horse, are horrible. These two drops can only be obtained from a boss which spawns after two dynamic quests, and considering the game's numerous updates, the area is largely abandoned and out of date. It also cannot be easily soloed by melee classes, since the first dynamic quest requires protecting a NPC with low HP, and having to deal with a boss with elemental shields. I had hopes of both appearing in the merchant of wonders, trove, or achievement merchant, but this was not the case.


I collected 100 Tarakhan's loot boxes throughout the holiday break, and upon opening them all, only 2 Wild Horses dropped and no Bully Wrap. Another person who also opened 100 boxes had 2 Wild Horses and 1 Bully Wrap drop. As such the drop rate for Wild Horse and Bully Wrap are around 1-2%, and this is rather unfair considering that these are untradeable costumes, not game changers like sparkling tokens.





I sincerely hope NCSoft look into the items' drop rates or at least let us purchase the items via achievement merchants.

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I've wasted around 80-100 hours there to get both items on my main...now I've tried to get them on one of my Alts too and wasted there about 50-60 hours without any drop. On this char I have now about 5000 Naryu Coins, 200 Locked Breeze Weapons, 55 Sealed Visasa Necklaces etc. and some white orbs. It's really frustrating and I'm absolutely hating this place, but I don't want to give up, because I hate to give up and if I would do this, all the time I've spent there would be wasted for nothing :/ One day I had a person in my group, who got the outfit on his first run ever there and he not even liked it on his char...this was such a pain for me :')


They should add there a collecting system or even better would be an achievement like "kill Visasa 20 Times" and then you can buy it for 1 fabric or something. I really hope they won't just add the items in the merchant of wonders or in the normal achievement vendor for a few points, because this would be a punch in my face :') People like me have spent there so much precious lifetime and then others could easily get the items without this torture.


But there are so many threads like this about this topic and they never changed anything about the items, so I guess this will be another one of this threads^^ 2-5 persons will agree with the OP and then this thread will be disappear in the forum *sigh* :')

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57 minutes ago, RyVerseLy said:

I really hope they won't just add the items in the merchant of wonders or in the normal achievement vendor for a few points, because this would be a punch in my face

This is what I'm always afraid of when people ask for it to be added to achievement vendor. A decent amount of Visasa kills could make it reasonable, but if it gets added for just points.. Well, just look at the Cobalt Wig, it's incredibly common, but how many people can say they've actually seen it drop?


I was lucky enough to get it while it was still in daily challenge though. But with how inactive it is now, a higher drop rate, or some achievement would be reasonable.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Pekingduckman:

Back in last June, Liinxy said that she will take the issue into consideration, we are still waiting :(



I've also read this thread and since they haven't changed anything and didn't responsed to the topic again they probably forgot this topic or they aren't interested in changing old content^^ I don't understand why there isnt't a collecting system like in the twisted grimhorn wilds...To farm the Conquerer Outfit takes also 10-20 hours to farm, but you don't have to hope for RNG. You see your farming progress and you know that you will be successful when you just farm the orbs. But in Zaiwei Ruins you just have to be lucky and there are persons like me, who are never lucky in anything :')

Just add a Visasa Kill achievement pleasee :'D this would be so cool and I would be free :') All my farm hours wouldn't be wasted time and to get 10 or 20 Visasa kills also takes much time, because the boss spawns randomly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I've powerfarmed AGAIN 100 Bosslootboxes and opened them at once and I've got 1x Bully Wrap^-^ But thats all. No Wild Horse for me :/ Ich think on this char I opened 250-280 Boxes now...and I've collected also 260 normal Lootboxes and 37 Visasaboxes and from all boxes I've got 180 sacred orbs (yay), 65 white orbs and only 7(!!) Soulbound Stones (and lots of crap and the Bully Wrap). The droprates there are so ridiculous :') I have now 68 Visasa Kills...But I won't give up! :D I hope I'll get Wild Horse before I'll get the Achievement :D

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