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Trove key daily limit kinda sucks...


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I've already spent over $200 USD between the trove expansions and a bunch of keys, so to save money, I decided I'd try my luck "gambling" with Hongmoon coins on the trove by seelling gold on the currency exchange to fund that venture. However, this process is impeded by the silly 20× trove key daily limit in the Hongmoon Store. I make money back off of trove to sell for more Hongmoon coins, ergo more "chances" to gamble for what I'm trying for with the trove. The limit, though, sucks.

This is just my opinion, so if any pure free-to-play purists SOMEHOW actually LIKE having the purchase limits imposed upon them, more power to them. For people like me, who use both NCoins and HMCoins to get what we want, it's a needless limit. You guys make less money in the longrun, in the bigger picture, by imposing such limits. It's gambling, no matter HOW anyone tries to rationalize or defend the idea, and off of NCoins, the guys running the game make money. Ultimately, and indirectly, they also make money off of the rest of the economy, being gold and Hongmoon coins, etc.. So while it's not straight up buying what you want from the trove, like upgrades that would make it sound like P2W whaling, if I'm already "gambling for it, throwing NCoins and HMCOINS at it, why limit how much money you can make off of us...?

Anyway, I'm just conveying my dislike of the limit itself. If it's NCoin, which is money for the company that is easier to liquidate than the HMCoins, why the limit? Both methods are gambling, and we're just paying for it with two different methods.

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On 12/26/2017 at 12:20 AM, KiraKamelia said:

I'm guessing more profit through the ncoin way for NCSoft, would be why they imposed a limit. As well as to limit those with 24k+ of Hongmoon coins from just spamming it repeatedly. 

I understand that people might think that, but what's to stop some rich kid from "spamming it repeatedly" with "24k+" USD in his bank account...? The "spamming" is only accept blessed and not limited IF you're swiping that credit card. I would like to at least buy like 50× keys or more in a day instead of 20×, because rng is such a bigger hurdle to overcome in itself. Out of nearly 400× keys, I still haven't seen one of those legendary gems appear. I'm happy to have finally 5/6 of my gems at eight sides each now, at least, except for the 7-sided obsidian gem that I made from a transmute a long time ago. -But I wanted to at least get one of those new gems from this trove with HMCoins, since it'll be a while before I can use NCoins again.^^;

I've had to pay too many big bills with my last paycheck, unfortunately. T-T. lol

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I'd like to see the limit removed as well, but they'd probably end up nerfing the venture tokens you get from season rewards and drop rates on venture tokens from normal loot boxes (as if they're not low enough already).


At the very least, I agree the limit should at least have a higher cap.   

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