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Incorrect challenge quest marked as done


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Incorrect challenge quests marked as done.


I was doing the daily challenge quests on cross server. After I finished my first one, witch was The Shattered Masts, I noticed the Desolate Tomb got the finished mark in the lobby quest list instead of The Shattered Masts. And it happened yesterday too, incorrect quests was marked as finished. But the daily quest counter shows the right number. When I finished three of them I got the daily challenge reward.

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Hi again,


This bug is still present and even more ugly now! Three dungeons are marked as Daily Challenge Quests in the Lobby and five out of the Lobby.


In the Lobby:

- Hollow's Heart

- Ebondrake Lair

- Avalanche Den


Out of the Lobby:

- Heaven's Mandate

- Avalanche Den

- Hollow's Heart

- Ebondrake Lair

- Naryu Sanctum


So in the Lobby, Heaven's Mandate and Naryu Sanctum dungeons did not get Daily Challenge Quest marker.


I totally confused today when I went to the Dungeon Lobby because I did not remember witch dungeons were on the daily challenge list. I had to leave the Lobby to check again. After that when I finished Heaven's Mandate, Avalanche Den and Naryu Sanctum my Daily Challenge was done for today. So everything was fine just there were missing markers.

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