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Skill modifiers for the following classes and equipment has been increased.

Blade Master – Divine Dragon Bracelet and Tiger Bracelet

Kung Fu Master – Divine Dragon Bracelet, Raven Weapon Stage 1-9, and Aransu Weapon Stage 1-6

Destroyer – Aransu Weapon Stage 1-6


I did see the difference after the new patch released for 1 hour.

KFM Divine Dragon Bracelet becomes 200%>400%


KFM Raven weapon Stage 9 270%>445%

but after 1 hour everything just back to normal.

So, what’s the increases? Anyone knows?

I also lose 17% Crit rates and 15% Crit Damages... which is ridiculous...

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@Liinxy idk who moved this to the KFM forum, but i'm guessing they didn't actually open the thread and read any of it. It'd much be more appropriate in the Bug Reports section. TLDR: KFM's didn't get their modifier buffs that they were supposed to.

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well, I heard from someone that on the KR servers the modifiers are still 270% cyclone on raven 9 and 280% on dragon bracelet.

so idk man. looks like they are what they should be.


is it just that the fire modifiers got a small buff?

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