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64Bit client issue


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Since the lvl 55 update I am having mayor issues running the game using the 64bit client. In-game fps is around 20-30 at the most and even lower in dungeons, in addition loading the game itself takes longer than before.

The only solution I found thus far is switching back to 32bit where the games runs with 120fps as before, however this is not really ideal since under normal circumstances the game runs more stable using the 64bit client on my system.

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Have same issues 64bit client has double loadtimes vs 32bit client and also FPS lagg even when it show 90-120 FPS in game.

And yes 32bit client dont have problems but will instead crash to desktop at random.

Seams to me that the 64bit client has a memory leak but need  more testning to verify this. Had no issues before level 55 update.

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So I did manage to get my 64 bit client working again no issues no FPS drops nothing.


But the steps I took are a bit overkill and I have no idea what the actual pinpoint solution is.


First off I uninstalled Microsoft Visual C++ and many other unused or never will be used microsoft apps. 

Tried opening the game it crashed on start up.

I restarted my PC had a few errors come related to Visual C++. BUT at this time I was able to open 64 bit client however it had shit framerate.

At this current time I only have Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 and 2013 installed. 


2013 gets rid of the errors on windows starting up and 2017 I read somewhere else on a pretty dated post about the 64 bit client. These are what I am guessing fixed the bad framerate.


So basically reinstall them after restarting but get both x64 and x86 versions to be sure.


If anyone can narrow it down any closer than this...

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