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The title speaks for itself, come on NC team, boost a lil bit more the WL class, its not braindead enough. Give him insta kill button so the people dont lose time when they get into the arena. 


P.S you can do the same with the SCUMMS opsss summoners... Increase their dmg, give them a bit more heal, give them one more options to go into stealth mode, give them few more ccs with their cats so that they can have unlimited escapes... 

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are not experience destro just spin2 in corridor and all your party dead?

while the other class need to stun first or kd first then dps then iframe then escape then bla blaa, chain, etc, mean hit several key.

destro spin have all that, in destro spin have anti cc, dps, cc, escape(fast movement) , its just ALL IN ONE for one click.

thats why in 6v6 u will see destro only spin spin spin, the only class that skill only spin xD

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