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My Orb, My Loot


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Going to rant a bit. How hard is it to understand these rules? I provide the orb and I get the rewards.


A pet pod dropped today in a CS run and two people decided to bid on it. So now I am calling them out. Their names are [edited - PhoenixMitra] and [edited - PhoenixMitra]. If you see these people, don't party with them.

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As mentioned above, unfortunately, the forum is not the place for these kinds of reports. If you would like to report these players for their possible inappropriate behavior, please contact Customer Support and they will be able to investigate the issue for you. Name shaming is against our CoC.

You can submit a ticket to Customer Support here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us

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I don't get it, I'm not submitting a report since it's just a rule of the community. These players did not break any rules of conduct in any way so there's no way a report I've submitted will pass. 


I'm just warning the community about these players' actions so the community will know what type of players they are dealing with.

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55 minutes ago, KurooSakura said:

What you get is the worth of one White Orb, a pet pod is worth way more than that, so its understandable that they'd bid on it. 

agreed, same applies in BT
if you use a key corrido, does that mean you get the ALL the loot? no.

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my orb my Foot up youre cricket!!   lets be honest here a orb is jsut the entry fee  its respectable to give loot to compensate the price of  the orb but especting you get way beyond thaht value aint gonna happen lets not forget thaht u killed thaht boss with 6 people  and u made no agreements with the people before you enterd the dugeon. if you want al lthe loot for youreself jsut solo the dugeon if you cant well then you have nothing to complain about 

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A lot of implications that I can't solo the dungeon, I can but found it easier to press F8 and LFP rather than windstriding to Zaiwei and back then swapping characters. God forbid if I can help others by providing the orb and give the other 5 a chance to purchase from the merchant if she spawns.


And I hope you are seriously not trying to compare getting corridor keys, which requires the cooperation of 2 groups of people to simultaneously clear to an orb one personcan buy from the market. If the orb was dropped by Winter Mane then by all means it's free bid but if I provided the orb by myself then I should have the loot to myself.

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1) They shouldn't put merchant of wonder in there. They should just skip this CS dungeon like HM.

2) I have seen some crickets who don't use the white orbs until everyone leave the party/dungeon.

3) I also have seen some crickets who bidded on the white orbs and just left the dungeon immediately or refused to use it for the current party.



If you want MOML, you shouldn't use LFP button. You need to create your own party in F8 lobby (higher chance that people will follow your rule, but no guaratee). At least, if I join the moml party in F8, i will honor the rule (usually for HM).  If I use LFP, I don't damn follow the MOML if someone just called it out randomly. If he/she doesn't want to use it, fine, I don't care, so everyone in the party will lose the chance to meet merchant of wonder. Also, I have met some crickets who took all the loots from main boss in CS because of his MOML rule and then just quit the party immediately. So, CS and HM are completely different story.


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8 hours ago, Lyserg said:

A lot of implications that I can't solo the dungeon, I can but found it easier to press F8 and LFP rather than windstriding to Zaiwei and back then swapping characters. God forbid if I can help others by providing the orb and give the other 5 a chance to purchase from the merchant if she spawns.


And I hope you are seriously not trying to compare getting corridor keys, which requires the cooperation of 2 groups of people to simultaneously clear to an orb one personcan buy from the market. If the orb was dropped by Winter Mane then by all means it's free bid but if I provided the orb by myself then I should have the loot to myself.

lazy asf, ever heard of LFP>leave party>enter solo?

also most people just start skipping the merch cuz it's pointless tbh I myself started ignoring merch as sometimes I buy nothing from it.


and I gave example of bt corrido key to your definition of orb power.

my key my loot, KEK? that includes everything that drops is mine, just cuz I used key.

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mhm do what i do bid on orb if it drops then just afk for hours untill they leave :D

It not only pisses people off but its funny to see angry comments in pt after you return to game and u get to solo the boss or ask a friend to join and u can share loot that way u both win and have fun, instead of you know random people stealing your loot because they are greedy.

My point is be an ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ its better than being a greedy son of a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ like every rich ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤er alive in the real world.

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It´s not typed anywhere that people have to follow this rule. It has been created by the community, so if someone want to bid on the loot even if they weren´t the ones with the orb, they can. 

Also, White Orbs are one of the most easy things to get in the game. Nothing is special about them. I usually go for a bit to Zaiwei Ruins to get myself at least 2, so if no one else use them, I will. And guess what? I don´t care about the loot. If they need the stuff, they can take it. I placed the orb, they helped me clean CS or HM. Easy. So of course I will be more than happy to share the final loot with them. 


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last i checked the orb costed more than the value of the loot. the orbs are like freaking trove keys. most of the time you get trash but sometimes you get something good that is actualy worth a lot more than the key you used. As such i totaly agree with OP. 

Would you like to get a trove crit only to have a whale take it from you ? No ? Well this is the same freakin thing

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1 minute ago, RagingPhenix said:

last i checked the orb costed more than the value of the loot. the orbs are like freaking trove keys. most of the time you get trash but sometimes you get something good that is actualy worth a lot more than the key you used. As such i totaly agree with OP. 

Would you like to get a trove crit only to have a whale take it from you ? No ? Well this is the same freakin thing

what u can do is just dont use key and keep it when u play with friends

friends are always reliable to pass loot vs random greedy rich people

also clan mates u play with just dont do randoms too greedy i have seen people pass loot and then 1 random bid on everything and he/she was way geared 

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Sometimes people don't even get the chance to put their own orb or agree to the "rule" because those greedies run off to put the orb and claim MOML, and spect you to follow it.


I prefer to save my orbs and use them with clannies and friends.

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haha, finally those folks get vocal, usually if someone asks "my orb my loot, ok?" ppl stay damn silent, to bring up weak excuses if something of worth drops like "hey, I didn't agreed before". So basically it's OK to have loot less worth then the orb most of the time to get kicked into butt when something of worth drops once in weeks...great. Well you folk keep in mind that only one thing will happen: you goin to need your own orbs because about everyone reading this will never ever bring one in... but well it's OK then because you are OK if someone don't care if it been YOUR orb which been used.  And you will enjoy the silent times at the Mandate portal waiting for some using orb.


PS: I will gladly join any "moml" teams in future and yes I think a deal is a deal. I would rather go dual box then giving out any more orb for those "I don't care a shit about" folks out here.

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Thinking that a 2.5-2.9g White Orb is worth the same as an 85g+ Pet Pod is ridiculous. It's plainly opportunistic, selfish and unrealistic to expect players to pass up bidding on items that are valued higher than your contribution. If you got more than 2.5g out of their bid, then you got your money back on the orb.


This is precisely why I do not enter any MOML labelled dungeon - the sense of entitlement is above and beyond the worth of the orb.

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I generally accept my orb my loot. And I don't mind if somebody asked for it or not. I only bid on Kaari loot, when the donator has passed or the white orb had been in winter mane's loot.


I'm not the first one here who tries to do the math, but it seems not all people have got it yet.

If you give an orb, you'll get almost everytime nothing as valuable in return. So Kaari loot is a compensation, not a price. The naryu silver, the cold orbs, the petals and ice rings are literally worth nothing. The only valuable thing with a decent droprate (about 0.33 I guess) are pouches. Those have a value about 1.2-1.5g measured by average bidding on EU servers. So if you are lucky every third run, you lose only half the value of your orb. What a tremendous joy!

Pet Pod is a rare drop. I don't know how rare it is, so i can't tell you how much it's not ridiculous, to get a pet pod for an orb. But I assure you, it's not ridiculous. The less the chance is, the higher has to be the reward compared to your investment.


Tbh you're right with your suggestions to solo cold storage or playing it with your guild. That's what I usually do. But I think it's sad. We could to better by only being a little bit more generous.

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11 hours ago, Maryelle said:

Thinking that a 2.5-2.9g White Orb is worth the same as an 85g+ Pet Pod is ridiculous. It's plainly opportunistic, selfish and unrealistic to expect players to pass up bidding on items that are valued higher than your contribution. If you got more than 2.5g out of their bid, then you got your money back on the orb.


This is precisely why I do not enter any MOML labelled dungeon - the sense of entitlement is above and beyond the worth of the orb.

Basically I only see greed speaking up here. No one told both items are of same worth, it is not ofc, but it is gambling, you buy the chance of some shiny loot, for the pretty rare case it drops. Most of the time, esp. at CS second boss, thing end with a worthless pile of crap and I still wait till someone got the idea to refund the costs of the orb =)

This is also why I gladly join moml runs, I don't have luck gambling, I lost close to 200g on that fking event merchant gambling item.

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