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Disgusting for BNS


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I write ticket for refund my FM class ring and soul, but GM told me I can't, and never request refund before. But my friend was refund his ice ring and shadow earring and soul before, and another friend was refund his lighting earring on 27/10. I don't know why I can't refund, is it because they top money more than me? so Gm refund their ring and soul? It is disgusting!

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This is pretty normal practice for ncsupport, some staff will be more helpful then others rather then all of them sticking to a standard set of rules and practices.


The only advice i can give you is to ask in a polite and completely easy to understand way again and hope another staff member gets your ticket.

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51 minutes ago, Trix said:

This is pretty normal practice for ncsupport, some staff will be more helpful then others rather then all of them sticking to a standard set of rules and practices.


The only advice i can give you is to ask in a polite and completely easy to understand way again and hope another staff member gets your ticket.

Indeed you have the dumb it up so much, you would almost sell your brain. 
The team at Ncsoft are not on one line regarding how to offer support, they are "brainless" regarding their own policies in the company regarding this game. 
They show to have no leadership which causes confusion within the support team and thus causes confusion and frustration towards their customers (paying and non-paying).


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Sadly this is so true.


Imagine in 1 ticket I got to "chat" with 10 GM's ..... in 1 ticket.

I mean.. I started the conversation with 1 guy, the next reply came from another guy, and so on and so on, and each GM had his OWN idea about the problem I had and they all tried to get rid of me.


How hard is it to read a ticket, most of the time they would reply and have no idea about what they are replying at.. how is that even possible.

1 GM told me to buzz of

1 GM told me he was sry

1 GM told me he can't help

1 GM told me he wanted to help

1 GM told me he wanted to help but cant

1 GM sayd sry again

1 GM sayd sry while telling me to buzz off

1 GM told me he can't do anything

1 GM told me he can't do anything while saying sry

1 GM told that his sry and can't help and to stop asking for my issue to be resolved as it's pissing them off

1 GM told me the same thing again

and finally ... 1 GM told me that the matter is closed and any other reply would close my ticket and consider the matter DONE .. EVEN IF IT WASANT and I got shown the middle finger...    short and to the point.. "we can't / won't help and the matter is closed, if you reply to this mail again the ticket will be locked, have a nice day"




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