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Thinking to start with a Warlock.


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I tryed kung fu master (hard to master too) summoner (pve champion) and bladedancer (pve champion too). I'm thinking to restart the game after 1 year off with the warlock or maybe gunslinger or soulfighter,the one easyer for both PVE and PVP. So here i am to question,warlock is good for pve???? and pvp???? I see threads saying that the warlock is bad at pvp.


Clarify me,which one of the mentioned classes are better for both PVE and PVP. Thanks.

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Wl 1 vs 1 ok

Wl 3 vs 3 ok

Wl 6 vs 6 ok but you will be "ganfest meat"  and every class can force fight you until you or your enemy dead bcuz this class can only walk


Pve low burst, just sb slave, need to use all skills in order to dps



Gun 1 vs 1 ok high burst

Gun 3 vs 3 ok high burst but lack defense

Gun 6 vs 6 idk not triyed yet but is easy prey for a wl i can kill easy as wl but you can alway run away wl will never cath up, if you hit someone distracted you can burst him down in 3 sec


Pve is the class with highest burst, brandead also wanted bcuz alpha call, fire build just tab,f,lmb,f...... high dps atm

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  • 1 month later...

Depends Warlock is just a soulburn slave as xnina said. This can be seen with the useless VT badge we acquired (If you like beeing a slave, go for it). 

(Before people say Warlock vt badge is amazing)

It is for all others except warlock

warlock gets one buff with the badge

all other classes have 2 buffs (warlock vt badge + own badge) 



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