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I got locked!!!


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I came back from work and try to log in to my account and doesn't want me on... so I checked on the website and said I was locked due to suspicious action... WTH I was logged out for 16hrs and never used any 3pp and was locked out.... and 1hr still no reply....

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If your account was accessed by someone believed to not be you then that is a possible reason for your account to be locked. Support will be able to assist you, so please wait for their response.


Thank you.

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30 minutes ago, Mielvin said:

Ok DAD... you got the best comment in the world... thank you

No, there's nothing wrong with YOU being concerned or worried for not being able to log in yet or having to wait for a customer service rep. I haven't seen evidence that you're being overly psychotic over it, and it's your right to be upset over it. Whenever someone like "that guy" (I STILL refuse to call someone by such a username!) chimes in with a "stop being so selfish" comment, I just wanna say ignore them. For some people, the suspense of a three hour period can feel like an entire day. In your case, you might be wondering if it was something you might have said or done, and even if you don't feel you've done anything wrong, you'd want to apologize anyway just so you can play your game again.^^;

I have tons of games to choose from, to play at any time, whenever BNS is down for maintenance or whatever.

What sucks, though, is when you're ONLY in the mood to play the game that you can't log onto, due to situations like yours or otherwise, and it feels like you're just wasting your time on other games when you're not really feeling like playing those at the time. This happens to me a lot, AND I get bored very easily, so it's challenging for me to find something I WANT to do while the main thing I want to do is put on hold. It doesn't help when you only have so much free time, if you have a job or two, or three, and/or other engagements in your schedule. Hopefully, you'll get back in soon.^^

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2 hours ago, Mielvin said:

Thanks and still no reply almost 5hrs now lol

Yes, they will immediately drop all other tickets that were sent days before yours just so you are able to login. Screw all the other people in front right?

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Let's not forget about those newgens who "give" away their accounts to them chinese sites falling for that so called FREE items thing....every,freakin,day...


(why hasn't anything been done about that yet again?)

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Oh, NCWest and their auto-ban system strikes again.


If you use a VPN and happens to use the same node with shady history (hacking, botting...), they will ban you along.


This happened to me when I use a VPN node in Taiwan with Mudish VPN, and they ban me in weekly basis. I finally made up my mind to stop using Mudfish (it's very cheap compared to other services) after they banned me two days straight.


At first, they still replied my tickets. Then later, they just unbanned my account without any response.


So yeah, you should check your account accessibility often, even when they have not yet responsed to you.

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