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Royal Dye exchange


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I was realy realy disapointed when I saw what 1 royal dye is exchanged for: 30 soulstones and 6 moonstones. Crafting 1 Royal dye is 5x Violet Honey Cookie x materials and basic crafting cost

80g are the basic crafting cost and all the needed materials = Around 90 to 95g.


The exchange of 1 royal dye is going to cost me 80g for each (And I have 4)


Why was this not communicated via the official website, then I could have used them for crafting items. I assumed it would have revereted back to the items it costs to craft, but it completely didnt.


This is just completely unfair.

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Considering Violet Honey Cookie and Royal Dye are two of the most expensive mid-craft items, it stands to reason that there should be a balanced exchange for them.  

Sure, white knights would just rush in and gloat on their high horses how people should have sold them prior to the update, but to whom? There will always be people stuck with extras of Violet Honey Cookie and Royal Dye. Even if you managed to advantage of some uninformed player's ignorance to get rid of your own stash, it still means that someone out there is unfortunately stuck with the odd difference and will have to face a huge loss. 

It also takes a long time to craft either item, especially if you're doing all the crafting yourself. 
1 day per Violet Honey Cookie, and  you'd need 5 Cookies and 1 day to craft Royal Dye. 

NCS really needs to reconsider this. 

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Yes this was a MAJOR rip off.  The trade value was a joke compared to the crafting cost.  I mean I get having trade-ins that aren't full value, but this was just a big FU to players.  Unfortunately I had a few of these in the pipeline as crafting was shut down, and I didn't want to stick anyone with an extinct item.  Next time I'll make sure to rip some poor idiot off rather than expect NCWest to deal fairly.

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