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RIP Crafting


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Gonna miss finding the things for gathering guilds, also some guilds now like Acquired Taste, Earthseers and Silver Cauldron are almost completely useless.


Before mostly every guild was useful as with it you could craft mats that were needed by some other guild so you sold it in market and gained profit. But now I don't think you will be able to get any gold from crafting at all, since mainly everyone is just gonna have Forgekeepers and Soul Wardens (maybe Radiant if you need the orbs) and will have no point in selling anything on the market.


Also if you want you can check what mats you will need for crafting everything now: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uSspt_MqkIC0lAQRf1fNUXHlyJCCs1ZGC56Wezs6m88/edit#gid=426244170

The majority is basically regular mats, but with everyone needing like waaaay more of them than they do now I imagine the costs will skyrocket and then the struggle to gear up is gonna be even higher.


So in the end I find this like a really bad change than a good one, especially since this game had a really unique crafting system to begin with. 

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1 hour ago, AnchorSky said:

The majority is basically regular mats, but with everyone needing like waaaay more of them than they do now I imagine the costs will skyrocket and then the struggle to gear up is gonna be even higher.

So there you'll have your source of gold LOL.

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Earthseers and soulwardens will be your main characters crafting guilds once you know what they craft. 


Soulwardens soulshields also cheap ones not tradeable. 


Earthseers should have 1kk charms.  If they go with same system as other regions

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The only ppl who would even buy 1mil charms are whales as crafting them cost a bit waaaaay too much and wait cheap ones arent tradable, why would they even do that xD But then yeh I guess soulwardens are gonna be used too then.

And the problem with the profit is that before you just gained gold from basically doing nothing now it will be like selling mats, but who ever even sold mats to begin with since you need a bunch of them for gearing up in the first place, thats why I was saying that there is gonna be no longer any profit more of less from just crafting things.

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If that spreadsheet is accurate, EVERYTHING is going to need at least Soulstones. Most things are going to require Moonstones as well as other dungeon materials, and a lot of gold. Unless they change the availability of crafting mats, people won't even be able to start levelling until they hit 50, and then they'll need a load of cash and resources to get anywhere.


Looks like the only way for regular players to get any income will be selling gathering materials, but these are going to be available for every player on multiple characters. They won't even need to log them in. They can set the contract to four days and log out.


Basically, crafting anything will be bound to dungeons and gold - yay... another pastime for whales...


Time to call it a day I think. Endgame centred around dungeons/PvP... sure, makes sense. Endgame where you can't do ANYTHING productive or entertaining outside dungeons/PvP... no thanks. Surely even dungeon-dwellers want something to do outside of dungeons for a change of scenery, or for when they only have a half hour or so to kill?


To add insult to injury, the only profession earning me any gold at the minute - Merry Potters - isn't being "streamlined", it's being "butchered", and the market for refiners and quartz/picks has bombed since they announced the upcoming changes.

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Untill 2 days ago I was making around 150g per day income from crafting items on multiple chars. 25 minutes a day to relog and place crafts. 2 days have passed since announce of crafting changes and my profit is still not that bad - around 90-100g per day.

I just wonder what we will do with our old, useless mats like wood logs / sap, clay, ss primers, feathers, or pig meat. If it will be compensation of 1 coper per unit then... I will laugh so hard ;)

I have an idea about it: We should get another tab in dragon express where we can buy different boxes with new mats for old ones. Ofcourse Viridian / Cinderlands mats will give you smaller boxes with common mats, but moonwater and silverfrost should give us better chests with rare ingredients. It can als be done by expired item exchange ofc, but you got an idea.


I thing some people will try to make money from Gunslinger rush/release. Other than that? Im curious about Soulstone/Moonstone/Orbs prices after patch ;)


PS.: 9 chars with maxed out merry potter - and i need to lvl up other proffession from the beggining? Not cool NC Soft.

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Yeh thats the thing the mat prices are probably gonna increase by a lot as everyone is gonna need them for crafting waaay more than we do now. And I know how you feel I got two alts with maxes out merry potters and acquired taste and both are gonna be useless so gonna have to level up two new professions all over again, the struggle is gonna be real xD

Oh and also the black stones from the picture are gotten from chests in the DC and somewhere else I believe, where you use any key from any profession to open it up and get the rocks that are used for every profession. Don't quote me on that though as I am not 100% about that as can't remember it fully.

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13 hours ago, Madscream said:

Untill 2 days ago I was making around 150g per day income from crafting items on multiple chars. 25 minutes a day to relog and place crafts. 2 days have passed since announce of crafting changes and my profit is still not that bad - around 90-100g per day.

I just wonder what we will do with our old, useless mats like wood logs / sap, clay, ss primers, feathers, or pig meat. If it will be compensation of 1 coper per unit then... I will laugh so hard ;)

I have an idea about it: We should get another tab in dragon express where we can buy different boxes with new mats for old ones. Ofcourse Viridian / Cinderlands mats will give you smaller boxes with common mats, but moonwater and silverfrost should give us better chests with rare ingredients. It can als be done by expired item exchange ofc, but you got an idea.


I thing some people will try to make money from Gunslinger rush/release. Other than that? Im curious about Soulstone/Moonstone/Orbs prices after patch ;)


PS.: 9 chars with maxed out merry potter - and i need to lvl up other proffession from the beggining? Not cool NC Soft.

In japan players were payed gold for there items and it was a rather respectable amount. I imagine they will announce what they plan to do in a stream. 

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