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Stolen entry in 2017 costum contest


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Hi, I'm Littlewildviolet, the original artist of an entry from last year Costume contest, and I noticed that a user called "Justkevin" stole it from me and reposted it this year changing the credits. I tried to notify BnS in every way I could cause I want it to get deleted, but never got a reply. 

Here the entry

and here MY entry from last year 

If you want more proof this is mine, HERE there is the original source where I posted it last year after the contest ended.

I'm really disappointed that after last year mishap (aka the runner up that stole the design and was removed from the finalists) things like this still happens in BNS.

Please help me to get this noticed from the staff, so they will remove the stolen entry from this year album, since on FB they just don't reply.

BnS costumes design 2016


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