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Hurray! "Today's Specials" - Cosmetic Items


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I remember suggesting this as a good idea for the "Today's Specials" section of the Hongmoon Store, and it looks like someone listened.^^

I orginally suggested 1 to 2 of the slots for the Today's Specials to be dedicated to cosmetic items, and that they didn't have to be new items - just a rotation between an outfit and an adornment, or adornments, in the case that a 3rd part of an outfit set existed. The pieces that show up in the specials wouldn't even have to be related, set-wise, even though it would be pretty handy for it to be that way. --But even if it isn't a thing that happens every night when the new specials roll in, I would like to see it as a regularly done thing.

I sure hope you guys working on this game will continue to do this for us. I already had this outfit on my main (FM), but always thought I'd like it on my alt WL too.

So thank you for doing this, and PLEASE, keep doing it, because cosmetics are one of my main reasons for playing this game.^^


I'm including a piece of a screenshot here, just in case anyone reading this wants to see for themselves, and would like to see the same thing.



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2 hours ago, Shunaia said:

I remember suggesting this as a good idea for the "Today's Specials" section of the Hongmoon Store, and it looks like someone listened.^^

I orginally suggested

I just want to point it out is that, don't give a high hope that they are actually listen to your suggested, it can be accidentally happen and matched with your suggestion.


Also putting costume on F10, they already did before

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7 minutes ago, Wiri said:

I just want to point it out is that, don't give a high hope that they are actually listen to your suggested, it can be accidentally happen and matched with your suggestion.


Also putting costume on F10, they already did before

I know they've done it before because I pay attention to these things and notice. I don't have "high hopes" for them to listen to my suggestions, and I fully understand that it could be a mere coincidence that they even did it this time. -_-;

I doubt it was a mere accident that it was posted this time, though.

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48 minutes ago, Wiri said:

I just want to point it out is that, don't give a high hope that they are actually listen to your suggested, it can be accidentally happen and matched with your suggestion.


Also putting costume on F10, they already did before

Wow, why are you so toxic?lol


It was stated on twitter this is intentional and that we should look forward to seeing more costumes. This is a great way to give us all the old released costumes that might not be super popular but still hella wanted.



(please put in chime)

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1 hour ago, XO said:

Wow, why are you so toxic?lol


It was stated on twitter this is intentional and that we should look forward to seeing more costumes. This is a great way to give us all the old released costumes that might not be super popular but still hella wanted.



(please put in chime)

What did I say make you think it's toxic?


I think you don't get the message that I want to point out,


They put costume on F10, why they doing that here is 2 options:

1. Because it's their plan to put costume on F10

2. Because they listen to OP request and decide to put costume on F10


And OP think they put costume on F10 because of option (2).

But I think they put costume on F10 because of option (1) and it's somehow happen on the day right after OP sent the request (so that's why he think they put costume on F10 because they listen to him)


Even because of either way (who's care), it's still good for player to have opportunity to buy old costume, I don't have anything against that.


I just warning OP it's may true or not, just don't get a high hope so if next time you writing another suggestion, it may or may not (most likely) apply to the game.

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1 hour ago, Shunaia said:

I know they've done it before because I pay attention to these things and notice. I don't have "high hopes" for them to listen to my suggestions, and I fully understand that it could be a mere coincidence that they even did it this time. -_-;

I doubt it was a mere accident that it was posted this time, though.

It's good that you don't have high hope then, It just sound like you do in the first post but well, anyway


Also what I mean is mere coincidence not mere accident

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2 hours ago, XO said:

Wow, why are you so toxic?lol


It was stated on twitter this is intentional and that we should look forward to seeing more costumes. This is a great way to give us all the old released costumes that might not be super popular but still hella wanted.



(please put in chime)

Ah, that's great news then!^^ I don't mess with Twitter much at all, except to "follow" certain artists, but other than that, I wouldn't have gotten that news unless it was by chance. hehe


1 hour ago, Wiri said:

What did I say make you think it's toxic?


I think you don't get the message that I want to point out,


They put costume on F10, why they doing that here is 2 options:

1. Because it's their plan to put costume on F10

2. Because they listen to OP request and decide to put costume on F10


And OP think they put costume on F10 because of option (2).

But I think they put costume on F10 because of option (1) and it's somehow happen on the day right after OP sent the request (so that's why he think they put costume on F10 because they listen to him)


Even because of either way (who's care), it's still good for player to have opportunity to buy old costume, I don't have anything against that.


I just warning OP it's may true or not, just don't get a high hope so if next time you writing another suggestion, it may or may not (most likely) apply to the game.

You're the one who's getting the wrong idea, buddy. For one thing, I'm not assuming that they posted a cosmetic item in the shop just because I made a suggesting about this in the past. Also, you are mistaken, if you're telling other people here that I made a post with my suggestion a day before I sent some request for this to happen. I did no such thing. The suggestions I made were way back when they did this LAST time, when they put up a new outfit in the Today's Specials every night, for about a week. It was sort of an event, if you want to call it that. Originally, there was misinformation and misunderstandings over the event's date range. When everyone thought, initially, that we would have TWO weeks worth of outfits, the dates were later "corrected" and we ended up with just ONE week's worth of outfits instead.

Anyway, the only thing that even comes close to this sort of topic, if THAT'S what you're referring to, is when I was asking in another thread if "Blue Sunglasses" would make a return in the Hongmoon Store. From the info I had gotten from multiple sources, it was part of a bundle that lasted for only ONE day, and I missed out on it. I was just asking if they planned on bringing the item back at some point. I DID forget to ask if it was considered a "Summer" season item, as in being part of the swimwear releases, etc., because I wasn't sure.


You're entitled to your opinions, and you can ASSUME that your "reason #1" is why they posted the current outfit in the Today's Specials, but you're NOT welcome to assume that I'm convinced that reason #2" is MY assumption. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see happen, the things I felt would be good ideas for the community, and for the Hongmoon Store, as far as such changes go. So if the BNS team "listened" to my ideas, they were most likely ideas of mine that were shared and possibly mentioned even before I said anything on the subject.


TLDR: Don't put words into other peoples' mouths. It's rude, and you're imposing your assumptions onto other people when you either don't have all of the facts or you're misunderstanding what's being said.

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We’re looking at Today’s Specials and trying to make it more… special (!) by adding in more surprises. We want it to be more a thing where you log in and see a cool item or hear from a friend that there’s something crazy for sale. It won’t be every day, and just because we sell something once doesn’t mean it’s going to be there every week or maybe ever again. It’s more about having once-off “if you were there, you got something awesome” kind of things to make it feel more like Today’s Specials and less like there's always consistent rotations.


We’re glad you’re excited about the costumes, and we’d definitely like to hear from you about what you’d like to see; either costumes or some more extreme ideas of items we might be able to sell in ultra-limited quantities in one-off sales.

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This might be an unpopular opinion, but if it's a true one-time or once a year rare item that goes on for sale I think it's only fair to sell the 3 Class specific raven king items that evolves your weapon, taking up 3 slots (where the citrine is now, plus the two other item evolution slots) and being able to only buy one. Nothing else. No Raven King souls. Just the evolution item, and just one time/once per year(next year ravens won't be as important). People will still have to fund everything else about the weapon and upgrade stages but getting THAT item is hard and incredibly costly for any person and since you can't sell them it would not effect any market or any market for guilds that sell it.

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8 hours ago, Liinxy said:

We’re looking at Today’s Specials and trying to make it more… special (!) by adding in more surprises. We want it to be more a thing where you log in and see a cool item or hear from a friend that there’s something crazy for sale. It won’t be every day, and just because we sell something once doesn’t mean it’s going to be there every week or maybe ever again. It’s more about having once-off “if you were there, you got something awesome” kind of things to make it feel more like Today’s Specials and less like there's always consistent rotations.


We’re glad you’re excited about the costumes, and we’d definitely like to hear from you about what you’d like to see; either costumes or some more extreme ideas of items we might be able to sell in ultra-limited quantities in one-off sales.

From what you type I can clearly see that your reason of making this offer is something more important for your business.

You want players to log-in more often into the game to make them buy the microtransactions, and even more, since you add unique offers which many players wouldn't like to miss, as you get their feedback regarding this issue.


Of course this is an legitimate action to provide more activity and sales and I don't blame you for this.

Yet, the general "idea" of including microtransactions into an online role playing game is bad in my opinion. Especially microtransactions of this type which includes all kind of items needed to advance the player. The "influence" of this offers is strong, as players can take this opportunity as an advantage making use of real money and affecting the in-game economy. It is basically nothing different than what is called "cheating" in all other games, the only difference is that it's allowed and done in exchange for real money.

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15 hours ago, newbiez said:

i like this idea 100%...its a chance for f2p to get the outfit they want...is there any list that we can see what outfit wll be on today special cosmestics?

If they provided a list, that would remove the surprise factor which they were aiming for, so gods no!

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16 hours ago, Liinxy said:

We’re looking at Today’s Specials and trying to make it more… special (!) by adding in more surprises. We want it to be more a thing where you log in and see a cool item or hear from a friend that there’s something crazy for sale. It won’t be every day, and just because we sell something once doesn’t mean it’s going to be there every week or maybe ever again. It’s more about having once-off “if you were there, you got something awesome” kind of things to make it feel more like Today’s Specials and less like there's always consistent rotations.


We’re glad you’re excited about the costumes, and we’d definitely like to hear from you about what you’d like to see; either costumes or some more extreme ideas of items we might be able to sell in ultra-limited quantities in one-off sales.

If you need assistance with this I recommend you login MxM for a few days and see how NCWest structured their daily login rewards.

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Thanks, Liinxy, for your response to this. It gladden me to hear an idea of mine is shared with others who want the same or similar things in BNS. I've already accepted that part of this game CAN be a "P2W" kind of thing, and I'd be a hypocrite if I blasted anyone here for buying certain mats in the HM Store for upgrades/progression. I don't consider myself a "whale", but some people might consider me one for how much I spend on cosmetics alone, as well as cosmetic-related events. I'm also a casual player who's only become more active with QOL improvements, and in general, any new content that can keep me interested enough to log on every day. That said, I also don't like to bother my clan with "carry" requests, because I usually try to solo almost everything, except for tough dungeons, etc.. So when certain upgrade materials are a bit tough for me to come by, I'll probably pick them up in the HM Store when available/offered. I think I have maybe 7x Hands of Xanos, so far. w

Anyway, for people who object to "P2W" stuff for real money, just think of what you're spending in money, as opposed to how much you'd be spending in terms of TIME itself, just to get the stuff that a proud "F2P" player can get without spending a single cent on the game.

Personally, meaning JUST ME, I'd rather spend a few bucks to buy a few items that are tough for me to acquire on my own, instead of spending loads of my severely limited time farming tiny amounts of those same mats at a time. Some things are pleasant surprises, like when I get lucky enough to get a purple Venture Token or whatever it's called from a chest, daily dash roll, etc.. It saves me money/NCoins on stamps for mailing cosmetics between characters. I play a FM as my main and a WL as my main alt, and with them, I can do certain dungeons, events, and raids twice, for event tokens needed to purchase the event's cosmetic items. Extras, I send to other alts, but the downside is having to buy stamps.

I'm not going to spend hours farming stuff for gold to send tamp sell dirt cheap in the currency exchange just to have HMcoins to buy stamps for mailing stuff like cosmetics. For me, time is more valuable than money, and time-gated content impedes and hinders my own goals in BNS. So it boils down to what YOUR goals are in this game, and F2P and P2W are two sides of the same coin, being two different sets of options for progressing. You're either saving money or time, and while I'm no millionaire, by any means, I'd rather save on time. I feel that limiting the progression items like mats is fine, just so people can't max put everything in one go, but the micro transactions that people feel is like a four-letter-word, are needed to fund this game and future content.

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Ooh, another outfit in Today's Specials.^^

If I didn't already have it, I'd definitely buy it.

THIS is how it will be, every night an outfit is posted on the HM Store, for a lot of people.

The demand is there, and only the supply is needed. Win-win for the game and the players who like this sort of thing.^^

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I'm getting poor. Sold over 2500 gold in the last weeks. Only 400 left.


Both bought, Business and today's Crimson Butterfly (one of those i wanted most).


Now "Chime" and "Best Friend" please.
And maybe 2 Hairstyles: That Silky Hair from "Colorful Silks" and Hair from "Shangri-la".
The last 5-10 costumes i want, can/must wait. No Coins.


The biggest problem now is: I do not know, what to wear. Bought too many in too short of time. I need a auto-switch option. At each login, the costume i wear is changing automatically.

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On 4.8.2017 at 8:01 PM, Liinxy said:

We’re looking at Today’s Specials and trying to make it more… special (!) by adding in more surprises. We want it to be more a thing where you log in and see a cool item or hear from a friend that there’s something crazy for sale. It won’t be every day, and just because we sell something once doesn’t mean it’s going to be there every week or maybe ever again. It’s more about having once-off “if you were there, you got something awesome” kind of things to make it feel more like Today’s Specials and less like there's always consistent rotations.


We’re glad you’re excited about the costumes, and we’d definitely like to hear from you about what you’d like to see; either costumes or some more extreme ideas of items we might be able to sell in ultra-limited quantities in one-off sales.

Yura Hairstyle

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19 minutes ago, Zini said:

I'm getting poor. Sold over 2500 gold in the last weeks. Only 400 left.


Both bought, Business and today's Crimson Butterfly (one of those i wanted most).


Now "Chime" and "Best Friend" please.
And maybe 2 Hairstyles: That Silky Hair from "Colorful Silks" and Hair from "Shangri-la".
The last 5-10 costumes i want, can/must wait. No Coins.


The biggest problem now is: I do not know, what to wear. Bought too many in too short of time. I need a auto-switch option. At each login, the costume i wear is changing automatically.

I wish I could have outfit "preset" slots too. There are certain combinations that I often wear and would like to swap between them more expediently, as well. I've seen it in other games, like PSO2, and it's really handy.

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On 8/4/2017 at 2:01 PM, Liinxy said:

We’re looking at Today’s Specials and trying to make it more… special (!) by adding in more surprises. We want it to be more a thing where you log in and see a cool item or hear from a friend that there’s something crazy for sale. It won’t be every day, and just because we sell something once doesn’t mean it’s going to be there every week or maybe ever again. It’s more about having once-off “if you were there, you got something awesome” kind of things to make it feel more like Today’s Specials and less like there's always consistent rotations.


We’re glad you’re excited about the costumes, and we’d definitely like to hear from you about what you’d like to see; either costumes or some more extreme ideas of items we might be able to sell in ultra-limited quantities in one-off sales.

I've asked for them before, but I feel it would definitely be worth bringing back: "Blue Sunglasses".

I have so many outfit combinations that would be vastly improved upon if my sunglasses just matched! lol

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