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Improvement - [F] skills and [F] interactions binding separation


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For every classes [F] key is the same binding for some skills and all interactions. I think it's an aberration.


For example, during a battle, as a Summoner, if someone is dead in front of me, I cannot do any [F] skills. This results in:

1. DPS loss by breaking important skills in skill rotation

2. Breaking defensive actions when I have to stealth party with my [F] skill (and maybe results in wipe)

3. Making micro freeze when I click many times on [F] and "trying" to rez someone instead of a skill


A dead player shouldn't be an handicap for other alive players. But it is.


I suggest to make a new binding option for interactions, so I could bind interactions (including rez) on [G] key instead of [F] to avoid any conflict.

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2 hours ago, Gigowatt221 said:

I suggest to make a new binding option for interactions, so I could bind interactions (including rez) on [G] key instead of [F] to avoid any conflict.

well.... G and B will have its use once we get 55 patch

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Not to mention that as Summoner if someone dies under neath or near you, your LMB switches to cat paw (helping paw or whatever its called) and you literally can not do the LMB, RMB rotation which results in losing focus and people angry at you for resurrecting them to only get insta killed. I can't help it if I have to spam my LMB RMB and cat just humps people.


And yeh I know I can do T-R but I prefer LMB RMB cuz I have my other hand busy trying to activate my badge by spamming other skills.

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I've wanted this since the game launch,


I want to keybind SKILLS and not keys. 


I suppose forcing skills into a limited number of keys is to force controller compatibility, but the amount of people playing on controllers is probably limited and you can always make it an option. 


But for certain classes the shared keybinds are very annoying. I'll often waste my escape on WL because I get CCed while i'm using soul shackle and I'm already in the process of pressing 2. And having both leech and rupture on F has screwed up my rotations on multiple occasions. And on my destro having knee and mightly cleave/galeforce and grab all on the same button can cause me some specific issues like mistimed grabs, or accidental CCs. 

My custom keybinds easily give me enough room for 3-4 more attacks keys (even after ults) so I would love to be able to bind a dedicated key for my escape and F attacks. 

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100% agree, there is nothing more infuriating as a summoner then people screaming at you to rez the tank or another important player and they are under the boss so the only skills triggering are your F attack skills. You have to fully stop attacking and wiggle around so your back is to the boss getting massive damage to try and rez cause people don't get the concept of MOVE THE BOSS!


If summoners are going to be a primary rez class we need a pull ability like sins or SF. 


But yes.. we need to move key skills OFF the F key. There is to much piled onto that key and it's infuriating when you are trying to talk to a npc near mobs and it attacks the mob not talk to the npc. or you are clicking through completed quest waiting for a boss and you click through to fast and hit the boss...

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Indeed,I agree with my previous fellows that posted up there,the F key is rly a problem for a summoner.Example in 6v6 if i managed to defeat a player and i move to some other -my cat will run to the defeated one and try resurrect him.So I have to E my cat (beckon) ,spending actually one if my Iframes .Please FIX this ,no one should spend their iframe because something like this.

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12 hours ago, Gigowatt221 said:

But you will trigger Helping Paw even with [R] so using R-T won't help you fixing it ;) This skill should be on [W] (heal)


True! What people mostly expect from Summoner is for cat to res them since it takes the cat less time to res people than normal (F) res, and thats our LMB, I really wish this skill would be moved to a different key along with F.

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Maybe its a very very hard programing wish but maybe... 



Sum get a "pull rez" like


Cat runs to target, bite him in the neck and run with him back to the Sum.. Rez completed


Its a wish and i know that will never come but dreams are beautiful




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