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why are people dying in DT normal?


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not trying to make a statement or anything but want to know what I can do to help.

I happen to join a few group with ppl between hm7~11 that are failing DT normal.

there are no real mech but everyone are dying from aoe after lava. most of them do have more than 90k + hp.

I can use group defensive skill in most cases but when I'm on my KFM there is nothing i can do for them.

I even tried getting hit by same aoe as others but I'm like the only one that doesn't take much damage. everyone else dies or are very close to death. 

And I just don't understand why some people are taking so much damage.

Any suggestions?


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Actually the same happened yesterday in EC normal mode. We had HM14 Sin and his full HP went to zero in one attack. At the end the boss was about to die and it said he was watching someone so we decided to DPS him down and ignore the mechs and basically that Sin and one more guy died with boss, instantly. 

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About DT, the more fire stacks you have, the more dmg you take from the bosses aoe skill. So you either  need to iframe it, or party iframe. You also get fire stacks while being hit by the bosses normal rotation and the lava field.

About EC, if you are the mark and there is no stealth (the stealth class forgets how to  use it or doesnt want to use it), in 10 seconds you become bound. If you dont get party iframed (usually the mark is either a bm or an FM) you get double the dmg from the debuff which in most cases result in the mark dying. Usually the lift takes around 20-25k HP and the slam takes double which means around 60k hp. If the mark is bound by the debuff, he takes an additional 40-50k hp after getting hit by the boss afterwards.

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Part of the issue may be dmg has become so large a lot of newer players don't even get to see that mechanic. I'm an FM so I can do the iframe, but if no one competent is there then it might be an issue. Personally I never run DT on NM cause I think HM is easy enough unless you're unlucky enough to pull a trap run. But yeah, being unable to complete DT on NM is more of an issue of inexperience of the players.

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35 minutes ago, XO said:

You can't block the lava pools though, those go to the first 3 that hit him.

I guess you can call lava thing a mech since you do want to them to land away from the boss and mid. and yeah i've seen people getting killed in it but still doesn't explain how 5 people keep getting killed throughout entire fight. 


there are who just blame others after dying and I ready don't care about them but i had few people asking me how to survive. And it wasn't all about iframe since I know I have missed few iframes and still survived with no issue.


I guess what I'm asking is could this be anything to do with defensive stats?

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9 minutes ago, hwalien said:

I guess you can call lava thing a mech since you do want to them to land away from the boss and mid. and yeah i've seen people getting killed in it but still doesn't explain how 5 people keep getting killed throughout entire fight. 


there are who just blame others after dying and I ready don't care about them but i had few people asking me how to survive. And it wasn't all about iframe since I know I have missed few iframes and still survived with no issue.


I guess what I'm asking is could this be anything to do with defensive stats?

Yes it definitely could, they should probably look at updating their shields (not just looking for better def but eva/block depending what they are playing) or their belt. I know that the old belt is wayyyy better than the pinnacle one so if they still have it I'd switch but now I think the only option is pinnacle or legendary :/ Updating pet aura is another option for def tho, at like stage 6 you get 510 def and than it continues to increase.

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All normal dungeons are cancer now that nobody does mechanics at all. They should have kept things how they were because normals are now nothing but a mess or noobs wanting raven carry. I was in a normal foundry on my bm alt where literally NOBODY would get the 2nd and ONLY other flower and when I told them to get it they said nothing then called me a noob. Normals are full of absolute garbage players now and its quite sad.

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6 hours ago, RevivedTera said:

All normal dungeons are cancer now that nobody does mechanics at all. They should have kept things how they were because normals are now nothing but a mess or noobs wanting raven carry. I was in a normal foundry on my bm alt where literally NOBODY would get the 2nd and ONLY other flower and when I told them to get it they said nothing then called me a noob. Normals are full of absolute garbage players now and its quite sad.

Then do HM.

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5 hours ago, KzE said:

Then do HM.

I like how you try to justify the absolutely horrendous state of normal mode by saying do hard mode. I do hard mode on my main and it is somewhat usually smooth. Normal mode is completely filled with incompetent extremely rude ignoramuses that refuse to learn the mechs. I even brought my main on a "carry" run for noobs in hard mode and not one of them took anything away as far as mechanics of the dungeon. It is just a shame that these people refuse to learn and only ever want carry. But then again that is what this world is now, a bunch of self serving millennials with an entitlement complex and 0 ethic or brains.

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4 hours ago, RevivedTera said:

I like how you try to justify the absolutely horrendous state of normal mode by saying do hard mode. I do hard mode on my main and it is somewhat usually smooth. Normal mode is completely filled with incompetent extremely rude ignoramuses that refuse to learn the mechs. I even brought my main on a "carry" run for noobs in hard mode and not one of them took anything away as far as mechanics of the dungeon. It is just a shame that these people refuse to learn and only ever want carry. But then again that is what this world is now, a bunch of self serving millennials with an entitlement complex and 0 ethic or brains.

So your problem is that noobies joining HM? I did weekend like 50 LFP runs in NM DT, EC and NF and we were unable to complete it like 3 times from 50 runs. Before it was every second run in LFP. Now its easier to do that 1000+ runs what NC asks for starter legendaries.

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Besides farming the accessories (to breakthrough in the BT accessories upgrade) in normal mode in these dungeons, I will never run normal mode. 1st, normal mode is really retarded (pure DPS). 2nd, full of people who don't willing to take roles (complete silence at the final boss in each dungeon). I think the only one that is slightly better is EC. That's all.

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I dunno about other runs, but I complete normal runs by exclusively being the only person to do mechs. It is rare that anybody ever party iframes, does mark, stealths (I usually have to party protect in EC), or stops dpsing during stealth. I cant do hard mode on alts because of elitist ap even though my true ivorys are stronger than most legendary 8s. Its just a gigantic pain but I bring it on myself for going in there I guess.

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11 hours ago, RevivedTera said:

I dunno about other runs, but I complete normal runs by exclusively being the only person to do mechs. It is rare that anybody ever party iframes, does mark, stealths (I usually have to party protect in EC), or stops dpsing during stealth. I cant do hard mode on alts because of elitist ap even though my true ivorys are stronger than most legendary 8s. Its just a gigantic pain but I bring it on myself for going in there I guess.

Did a lot of EC after nerf. I do the stealth with sum, and there is always a BM or FM who do party iframe. Ppl do party iframe even at iron juggernaut in DT.

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