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raids are going to be 12 man


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12 man raids seems like nice thing. This game has stupid optimization. Game works around 30FPS on max settings in dungeons but in raids it drops to...well...zero. maybe 12 man raid will fix that issue...lower boss HP and stuff...actually it will become possible to clear raid with single party of high AP people. Let's say doing MSP with clan on my 650-700AP alt. Well since others would be 800+ or even 900+ doing it with 6 people would be possible. That would mean no fps drop. It would work just like dungeon.  I actually welcome that change. Cause of that I'll be able to do raids...and I done only MSP few times...

And no..not going to buy new PC. It runs other games on max without freeze or other things like bns

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iam agree to this change 12 man dungeon... finding 24 people who can login at same time for 6 hours is not easy

and for people who saying unreal enginge 3 is bad game engine, no its not bad at all, this is really~ good game engine.. its just bad to have so many rigid body & effect at same time.. and no game engine can do it well. even unreal engine 4 has same problem.


they can change game engine.. but they'll need years to recreate this game.

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  • 1 month later...

small question regarding the 12 man.


Is our staff aware on the DPS problem ?

In KR . the game is up for 5 years now .. were we have it for.. 2 ?    The amount of gear you can get in 5 years is by far above us.

How will this be fixed ?


We are getting a nerf for the 12 man, but this nerf is on the KR standard .. were people with max jewels and raven or stage 12 weapons is "normal" ...  were for us is considered "end game" 



Was looking at some videos and ignoring the fact they have some gloves as well.. but they have enough resources to make 2 times of souls .. jewels .. leg. badges... were for us.. you would spend +1 more year as a normal player just to get 1 set of those... let alone 2.


Were dps like 350.000 .. constant.. not burst ... is "meh" .. and you get buzy at 500.000 dps. up to 700.000 .... were our   "mediums" push up a 50.000 / 60.000 / 70.000 dps.  and more geared push up at 150.000 to 200.000 and of the wales that go in 300.000 ... but I have yet to see a 300.000 constant.


Is this under consideration ?  Or we just have to deal with it ?

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20 minutes ago, Alkaa said:

small question regarding the 12 man.


Is our staff aware on the DPS problem ?

In KR . the game is up for 5 years now .. were we have it for.. 2 ?    The amount of gear you can get in 5 years is by far above us.

How will this be fixed ?


We are getting a nerf for the 12 man, but this nerf is on the KR standard .. were people with max jewels and raven or stage 12 weapons is "normal" ...  were for us is considered "end game" 



Was looking at some videos and ignoring the fact they have some gloves as well.. but they have enough resources to make 2 times of souls .. jewels .. leg. badges... were for us.. you would spend +1 more year as a normal player just to get 1 set of those... let alone 2.


Were dps like 350.000 .. constant.. not burst ... is "meh" .. and you get buzy at 500.000 dps. up to 700.000 .... were our   "mediums" push up a 50.000 / 60.000 / 70.000 dps.  and more geared push up at 150.000 to 200.000 and of the wales that go in 300.000 ... but I have yet to see a 300.000 constant.


Is this under consideration ?  Or we just have to deal with it ?

What DPS problem? HP of bosses are halved, just as the amount of players was.

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Making the boss half hp is nothing since the people getting to kill him is cut in half as well.. a.k.a 12 man.

24 man was a great way to take low geared people as well 1 or 2 . or that didn't know the mech...  now.. I kinda see it a problem for some.

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My only question is:


We are all so sure that NcSoft give us the 12 player raids AND nerf the HP, mechs  whatever or they sold that as a " its endcontent and we decide you need a challenge"  and nerf nothing. So that only high geared guys go together and the scissor between high and mid spread more and more..

Ok in germany its normal that it works great but its a game so NCsoft CAN control it

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I don't know where you guys see the problem.

You need like ~25k DPS for first and second boss, 35k DPS for third and fourth. If you can't output that damage, you simply don't belong in BT and need to farm your equip until you do. Simple as that.


And this is the same for 12 and 24man. 

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12 minutes ago, amokk said:

I don't know where you guys see the problem.

You need like ~25k DPS for first and second boss, 35k DPS for third and fourth. If you can't output that damage, you simply don't belong in BT and need to farm your equip until you do. Simple as that.


And this is the same for 12 and 24man. 

25k / 35k  from were did you get those numbers ?  a simple 25k even a 800ap can dish out.... were I've seen on KR doing dmg like they were already end game and were doing BT for fun.

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Do the math yourself. 

First Boss: 257,700,000 HP

Timer: 10min 10sec


And yes, BT is a 20-30min dungeon in KR, as they all know the mechs in and out and nerfed compared to our version.


YOU DON'T NEED BT GEAR TO DO BT. Is it that hard to understand? lol


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You can't compare the 2.. you just can't.... because our AP is equal to the experience you have, only if you want to do it with an alt... but even still hard to pull.

I've never heard of 800 ap's .. PUGS.. so let's keep that in mind .. pugs..  do the BT ... never. they get to do 1 / 2 /3 the end... and if they get 3.. they should be lucky.


I only saw 1 guy on the forum saying he did it in a pug.. and wasted 4 hours at the first.. 6 at the second . 8 and the 3'd ..  4th let's not dream about it.

So this would change nothing... for KR .. this nerf will apply for the guys that do 100.000 since that's low for them.

So again, this will be of 0 help and pugs will still be on a stand still.


Plus well... our community is crap looking at what KR has... they ACTUALLY learn the damn mech before they join.... we go in without any clue thinking it's a damn nuke fest.

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41 minutes ago, amokk said:

Do the math yourself. 

First Boss: 257,700,000 HP

Timer: 10min 10sec


And yes, BT is a 20-30min dungeon in KR, as they all know the mechs in and out and nerfed compared to our version.


YOU DON'T NEED BT GEAR TO DO BT. Is it that hard to understand? lol


math urself ...


subtract dead people, guys that doing mech and cant DPS for some seconds and dont forget the guys that ress the dead people.



maybe u can give me a hint who said: You need BT Gear for BT, but i dont found this.




But i think you want to say us:

If u can do all mechs, make  25k DPS and keep alive, you CAN make First Boss in BT         << right?


BTW: Watching a video helps BUT dont give 100% that you can do all things instantly cuz you watch the video :P

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What the hell do you guys expect? To run an end-content raid and finish it the first try? 

1 hour ago, Sempra said:

maybe u can give me a hint who said: You need BT Gear for BT, but i dont found this.


Noone. But some people make it sound like you need everyone doing bazillion DPS, which is simply not true. 

Bale6+, Oath Necklace, Destiny Ring, NonLegendary-Elemental Earring and MSP-Set and you're fine DPS-wise. For survivability, legendary belt is good too.


And yea, I did pug BT boss1+2 (Boss1: 3h, Boss2: 8h), where the max dps was like 80k, averaging at about 40k DPS over the whole raid.

After a while we even handpicked our Raidgroup from like 6-7 different clans to get skilled members and we've been killing Raven King for the past few months.


If you did the math, you know DPS needs to be at 18k per person (EASILY doable with above mentioned equip). Boss1 has self-damaging/healing mechs and i cba to calculate that stuff, so I'd say 20-25k should be fine.

If you don't know mech (theory), just don't join any BT groups. 


For the cheese-strat on boss3 (cat rezz), you only need 55k DPS per person. Also easily done w/o BT gear.


If you die, you failed doing mechs (if you die to normal attack rotation, learn it in F12) . Do mechs right and you won't die. 

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