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Gunner Sream ON - AMAIZING CLASS !


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 Seems really cancerous, especially with that attack speed ... thus, the hype will probably last even longer than warlock. Will be great fun for melee classes, taking 9999 hits from the other side of the arena for free ...

 Btw, we need more classes for jin, there are still some players left playing as gon and this doesn't seem right ...

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2 hours ago, SauronTheGreat said:

Btw, we need more classes for jin,

lol... Jin have already: Assasin, Blade Master, Warlock, Kung-Fu Master,Soul Fighter. This mean he have 5/9 classes and soon gonna get 6/10 classes. No other race have as many classes as Jin.

If you look at which race need more classes then Yun. He have 4/9 classes (soon 5/10), but don`t have any exclusive (jin=assasin, Gon=Destroyer, Lyn=Summoner AND Blade Dancer, Yun= none).

2 hours ago, SauronTheGreat said:

there are still some players left playing as gon and this doesn't seem right ...

whats wrong with this? I prefere Gon and its not right? I can say then "there are still MANY players playing as Lyns and this doesnt seem right". Mayby if they add new more intresting class for Gon more players gonna pick this race?

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45 minutes ago, Irisdina said:

lol... Jin have already: Assasin, Blade Master, Warlock, Kung-Fu Master,Soul Fighter. This mean he have 5/9 classes and soon gonna get 6/10 classes. No other race have as many classes as Jin.

If you look at which race need more classes then Yun. He have 4/9 classes (soon 5/10), but don`t have any exclusive (jin=assasin, Gon=Destroyer, Lyn=Summoner AND Blade Dancer, Yun= none).

whats wrong with this? I prefere Gon and its not right? I can say then "there are still MANY players playing as Lyns and this doesnt seem right". Mayby if they add new more intresting class for Gon more players gonna pick this race?

 I wouldn't name destroyer as exclusive, when there is blade dancer which has the better versions of all skills that make up the destroyer.

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Well... Destro is class locked onyly to Gon and no other race can be Destroyer, so it is exclusive. Diffrent story is that destro become shity ver. of Blade Dancer which is 2nd exclusive class of Lyn.

But if you look at this way then Lyn have 1 exclusive (summoner) and Gon don`t have any. Depends which way you look at this.

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But some ppl dont wanna be small fluffy kids, and wanna play tamer/healer(summoner). Sadly its exclusive for him. Same is with Blade Dancer. Lets add that there was no Lyn Blade Dancer in story(ofc i can be mistaken). Jinsoyun and her mother were BD and booth was Yun.

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1 hour ago, Irisdina said:

lol... Jin have already: Assasin, Blade Master, Warlock, Kung-Fu Master,Soul Fighter. This mean he have 5/9 classes and soon gonna get 6/10 classes. No other race have as many classes as Jin.

If you look at which race need more classes then Yun. He have 4/9 classes (soon 5/10), but don`t have any exclusive (jin=assasin, Gon=Destroyer, Lyn=Summoner AND Blade Dancer, Yun= none).

whats wrong with this? I prefere Gon and its not right? I can say then "there are still MANY players playing as Lyns and this doesnt seem right". Mayby if they add new more intresting class for Gon more players gonna pick this race?


I believe SauronTheGreat was being sarcastic.


However, I don't think Yun should have an exclusive class, due to the fact that it's a female only race, and believe it or not, there are people in this game that don't want to play a female. I do think WL should be enabled for Yun, though.


It really makes no sense that there aren't any gon gunners...

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ok, Gon can`t be gunner eather way (its decided already by korean creators, and NC propably dont gonna change this), but Lyn=BD was "mistake" which they made much, much before. If they wanna give Lyn exclusive class with sword they should give him Blade Master and Yun and Jin should be Blade Dancer (even though onyly Yun was Blade Dancer in story).


P.S. Soha and her brother have school where they teach how to shoot, etc. Some no named Gon can be there :)

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